Deploy Kubernetes Pod using CircleCI
- Creating a Docker image
- Pushing it to the Docker Hub (Registry).
- Running a Kubernetes deployment script which calls the Docker image.
- CircleCI 2.1
- Kuberentes cluster with 1.13+ version.
- Dockerfile for the webservice.
- DockerHub registry - To push and store the docker images.
- Workstation.
- Github account
Create Kuberentes single node cluster by removing taints. Initializa with Public IP of the node.
- kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-cert-extra-sans=
- Ref doc:
Remove taints to deploy the pods on master node itself. Use the below command.
- kubectl taint nodes --all
Apply Calico CNI for setting up K8S communication and policy.
Creat a service account, role, Token and role binding to access services, objects of a particular namespace in K8S environment.
Create application Dockerfile, deployment script and config.yaml for circleci. Pushed them in a Git Repository.
Link the CircleCI account with Github Repository.
Add the Github Repository as a Project in CircleCI, start following it. Add the required environment variables such as KUBERNETES_SERVER, KUBERNETES_TOKEN, DOCKER_USERNAME, KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_CERTIFICATE etc in the project.
Commit all the script files in Github Repository.
Commit should trigger the CircleCI Project job and it should be successful.
Webservice pod and its service should be up and running.
Identify the service NodePort.
curl Public IP:NodePort
Query response should contain Name and Joke by Chuck Norris.