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Vue3 Roulette

A customizable and flexible fortune wheel for vue3


See also: codesandbox template


Using npm

npm i --save vue3-roulette



import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import { Roulette } from 'vue3-roulette'

createApp(App).component("roulette", Roulette).mount('#app')

vuejs html template

<Roulette ref="wheel" :items="items" @click="launchWheel" />

vuejs script

Using the sfc syntax

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const wheel = ref(null);
const items = [
  { id: 1, name: "Banana", htmlContent: "Banana", textColor: "", background: "" },
  { id: 2, name: "Apple", htmlContent: "Apple", textColor: "", background: "" },
  { id: 3, name: "Orange and Purple", htmlContent: "Orange<br>and Purple", textColor: "", background: "" },
  { id: 4, name: "Cherry", htmlContent: "Cherry", textColor: "", background: "" },

function launchWheel (){

Events API

wheel-start and wheel-end which provide the item selected

  ref="wheel" :items="items" @click="launchWheel" 

Methods API

Composition API


Option API


Props API (Wheel)

Props Type Required Default Options Details
items Object yes - 4 items minimum
first-item-index Object no { value: 0 }
wheel-result-index Object no { value: null } from 0 to items length
centered-indicator Boolean no false
indicator-position String no "top" "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left"
size Number no 300 size unit: pixel
display-shadow Boolean no false
duration Number no 4 duration unit: seconds
result-variation Number no 0 number between 0 and 100 varies the result angle to fake wheel smoothness
easing String no "ease" "ease" | "bounce" wheel animation
counter-clockwise Boolean no false rotation direction
horizontal-content Boolean no false text item orientation
display-border Boolean no false
display-indicator Boolean no false

Props API (Wheel base)

Props Type Required Default Options Details
base-display Boolean no false
base-size Number no 100 size unit: pixel
base-display-shadow Boolean no false
base-display-indicator Boolean no false
base-background String no "" rgb(100,0,0) | red | #FF0000


You can use your own html for the wheel base

<Roulette ref="wheel" :items="items" @click="launchWheel">
  <template #baseContent>
    <div v-html="yourHtml"></div>


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve