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Construction of Spec files using a running of java bytecode

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This paper is submitted as a final report and a documentation of the final product. The final product is a software that is able to generate spec files out of a running java code. spec files are traces that are used as input for synthesis algorithms. First, we will explain about our first attempt implementing this by using instrumentation which is not perfect. After that, we will explain about the second attempt of implementation, using Soot library.
Students: Nitzan Farhi,\ and Matan Kintzlinger,
Program Analysis and Verification\ Project


On both implementations, the final target is to modify byte-code while it is running, the modification will be like so: after each command that is run by the JVM, a command that was created by our library will be injected. This command will print description of the previous command into a spec file, this description will include the command itself and the state of the program after this command.

Implementation using Instrumentation

The code is provided at:
Java Byte-code Instrumentation is a way for adding byte-code to a java class during it’s run-time. This is done by creating a jar that contains a java class with the function:

public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation instrumentation)

Wheres args is a String that the user could provide arguments in, and instrumentation is used for the instrumentation. Later, when instrumenting a class by calling:

java -javaagent:agent.jar=argumentstring -cp tested.jar Foo.Main

whereas agent.jar is the created jar, argumentstring is the string provided to the premain and tested.jar is the software that is instrumented. We used the ByteBuddy1 library in order to make the instrumentation easier. We used an annotation in order to mark the function we want to instrument, when this function is called, the agent code will run before the function’s code, also the agent code will run after the function’s code. We parsed the parameters of the function when it is called and the return value of the function when it finishes. (We couldn’t manage to append a command of our own after each command inside the function but only before and after the whole function, this is why we moved to Soot instead).

Implementation using Soot Library

The code is provided at:\


Soot2 is a java optimization framework, which provides an intermediate representation of java, called Jimple , to make optimizations or modifications on. This can also be used as a way of modifying java program in order to make it generate spec files.

Running the instrumenter

To run the instrumenter the command:

java MainDriver classname [options]

need to be run where classname is the name of the class that is wanted to be instrumented and options are flags that can be added :

  1. -d for the delta option

After running this command, classname was instrumented. That we can run it as we would regularly would. We can notice that a spec file was also generated.


mainDriver class

In the mainDriver java class, after parsing the arguments, we called the commands:

       Pack jtp = PackManager.v().getPack("jtp");
       jtp.add(new Transform("jtp.instrumenter",
                             new InvokeStaticInstrumenter()));

This will call a new class that we created, called InvokeStaticInstrumenter, which is in charge of the instrumentation. After that, soot is ran with the appropriate classes. (Of course soot’s classpath was appended with the folder that the files are in).


Every method instrumentation starts at

protected void internalTransform(Body body, String phase, Map options)

We add commands to 2 different methods:

  • The main method - which we add commands before it’s return statements in the method instrumentReturn

  • An annotated method with the @checker annotation - this is the one the library will generate a spec file of.

When instrumenting a method, 3 kinds of commands are added to the jimple code that soot supply us with: when entering the method, which is handled by instrumentBegin, after every command in the function’s buddy, which is handled by instrumentAnyCommand, and when exiting the method, which is handled by instrumentMethodFinish.
When instrumenting commands in the function, a linked list of jimple commands is provided by soot, we iterated this link list and used the pattern matcher in the Util library 3 in order to match the Jimple statement into a correct object using the MyMatcher class, after that the command is printed in the spec file. After printing the command, the state of the JVM is printed.
Printing the state of an object is done via a call to the function PrintLocalValue.


This method iterates over all ints and objects in the JVM and diffrentitate between them. Then, it copies the value of the int or the address of the object into a value in the MyCounter class. After that a method that is responsible of printing those values and their name is called.


This is a helper class that contains all the functions that are instrumented to be called. This class also contains variables for the same purpose. Some of the more meaning-full ones are:

  • init which is called when an annotated method is called and it’s purpose is to create the spec file and some of it’s prefix.

  • printValue, printParamValue, printObjValue and printParamObjValue are used to print the state of objects and ints if they are parameters or not.

  • methodFinish is called when an annotated method is finished in order to add the sufix of an example in the spec file

  • finish is called when the whole program exists in order to close the spec file.


This class is in charge of matching strings into jimple objects such as CaseAssignLocal_InstanceFieldRef, CaseAssignLocal_Invoke, CaseAssignInstanceFieldRef, etc in the end it returns the command in a format that is recognized and can be parsed by pexyn interpeter.


In this section we will describe our experiments and evaluation using benchmarks we created (which is located in the Github repository also), we will elaborate each experiment in the benchmarks. Each experiment is located in a folder inside the benchmarks folder. Each folder contains 4 items:

  1. - the java file under test

  2. dot.class - folder that contains .class and .jimple outputs of our software

  3. output.spec - the spec formatted output file of our software

  4. visual-output - folder that contains the output of pexyn of output.spec


This experiment computes the factorial of the numbers 1,2,..,6

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      for(int i=1;i<6;i++)
  private static int factorial(int num) {
      int i,fact=1;  
      return fact;


This experiment computes the GCD of 120 and 16

  public static void main(String[] args) {
  private static int gcd(int a, int b) {
      while (a != b) {
            if (a > b) {
              a = a - b;
            else {
              b = b - a;              
      return a;

20 GCD computations

This experiment computes 20 GCD computations for the numbers [125,34],[126,35],...[144,53]

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      for(int i=125,j=34,m=0;m<20;m++,i++,j++)
  private static int gcd(int a, int b) {
      while (a != b) {
            if (a > b) {
              a = a - b;
            else {
              b = b - a;              
      return a;

GCD with function calls

This experiment calculate the same GCDs as in the last experiment but this time the GCD algorithm uses 2 external functions in order to calculate substraction

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      for(int i=125,j=34,m=0;m<20;m++,i++,j++)

  private static int getA(int a, int b) {
      return a - b;

  private static int getB(int a, int b) {
      return b - a;
  private static int gcd(int a, int b) {
      while (a != b) {
            if (a > b) {
              a = getA(a,b);
            else {
              b = getB(a,b);              
      return a;


This experiment checks if the numbers [30,31..,39] are prime

     public static void main(String[] args) {
      for(int i=30;i<40;i++)
  private static int isPrime(int num) {
      for(int i=2;i<num;i++) {
        for(int j=1;j<num;j++)
                return 0;
    return num;


This experiment creates an SLL node and changes it’s default value from 0 to 3.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      SLLSimpleManipulation(new SLL());
  private static int SLLSimpleManipulation(SLL sll) {
      return 6;

class SLL{
    int d=0;
    SLL l=null;
    SLL r=null;
    SLL(int x){
        d = x;


This experiment creates an SLL (Single Linked List) with the values 2,3,4,5. After that the values are changed to 13,12,11,10 and the nodes are connected one after another. Later, the algorithm iterates over the SLL and if the node’s value is bigger than 3, the data is subtracted by 1, else if it is bigger, 2 is subtracted, else 3 is subtracted.

  class TestInvoke {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (int i=1; i<12; i+=1) {
      System.out.println(SLLManipulation(new SLL(),new SLL(2),new SLL(3),new SLL(4),new SLL(5),3));
  private static int SLLManipulation(SLL sll,SLL n1, SLL n2, SLL n3, SLL n4, int x){
      int c =33;
      SLL tmp=n1;
          if(tmp.d>x) {
          else if(tmp.d<x) {
          else if(tmp.d==x) {
              return tmp.d;
      return c;

class SLL{
    int d=0;
    SLL l=null;
    SLL r=null;
    SLL(int x){
        d = x;


In the beginnig the project was very difficult for us since instrumenting bytecode using java agent is very low level, after that by using soot life was a bit easier but still required many compilation error and bugs since the soot library is not perfect, in the end we understood the importance of the project and learned a lot about instrumentation and it’s significance.






Construction of Spec files using a running of java bytecode







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