Generate Pokémon base stat total graphs similar to what's seen on Bulbapedia.
Check it out at !
- Can fully edit any stat and use any name.
- Great for fakémon!
- Export to PNG or SVG.
- Autofill stats from Pokémon name. (Based on Generation 9.)
- Also works on mobile!
- Open source under MIT license.
- For more info about using autofill, see
- For build instructions, see
BST Graph uses PokeAPI to autofill data, pokenode-ts for caching that data, dom-to-svg for generating svg images, and Vue for the frontend. Without them, the making of BST Graph would have been significantly harder!
For build instructions, see dev_info.
BST Graph is NOT an official product and is not associated with Pokémon, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Creatures Inc., or any of their respective copyright holders.