a simple file system is based on ext and using c++.It is comfortable for linux.
filesystem-1.0.tar.gz is the better version of all.I write a simple makefile in it just for compiling easily.
the architecture of this file system is like the following picture. But it lack group descriptors and Reserved GDT block.
the tree of filesystem.
if you want to run the whole project 'compile and create file',just input make.
if you want to run file simply,just input make run.
if you want to delete file,just input make clean.
if you want to find back the usename and password of your file system,just input make accountback
help --- show help menu
clear --- clear the screen
ls --- list the digest of the directory's children
ls -l --- list the detail of the directory's children
cd --- change directory
mkdir --- make directory
touch --- create a new file
cat --- read a file
write --- write something to a file
rm --- delete a directory or a file
mv --- rename a file or directory
chmod --- change the authorizatinon of a directory or a file