A list of projects that use Meson CDN
You don't need to wait for us to add it. You can add your project here by submitting a pull request.
Follow the steps below:
- Edit main.js and add your website above //<--list end->>
- Please follow the default structure:
new Post( 'Example Project', 'https://example.com/', 'web3', 'https://example.com/favicon.png'),
- Submit a pull request
That's it. We'll accept your request as soon as possible.
Your website/project must use m-cdn or Meson 3.0
There must be a minimum of 2 files served by Meson cdn.
Which projects do we NOT add to the list?
- phishing/scam websites
- ponzi/pyramid schemes
- websites contain pirate/illegal content
- any website related to any criminal organization.