- Email verification
- Enable 2FA
- Likes and Dislikes
- Commenting
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/njugunamwangi/larablog.git
- On the root of the directory, copy and paste .env.example onto .env and configure the database accordingly
copy .env.example .env
- Grab the email test credentials from mailtrap.io and replace in the .env file
- Install composer dependencies bu running composer install
composer install
- Install npm dependencies
npm install
- Migrate
php artisan migrate
- Generate the permissions
php artisan permissions:sync
- Run seeders
php artisan db:seed
- Generate laravel application key using
php artisan key:generate
- Run laravel application using
php artisan serve
- Run react application using
npm run dev
- Storage
php artisan storage:link
- Admin dashboard
- Admin credentials
email: admin@admin.dev
password: Admin123
- Remember to checkout the screenshots folder in the root directory