A Python 3 package for sending keystokes to active windows.
Currently, keystroker only supports windows builds (win 7 and higher).
Python 3.5+ (Lower Python 3 installs may work but are not supported)
To install via pip use the following command:
pip install keystroker
Otherwise you can install keystroker through the source code by running the following command within the extracted keystroker source directory:
python3 setup.py install
Keystroker can be either used as an Python 3 package allowing for a api to send keystrokes to a active window, or used as a terminal command to the same effect.
A basic code example of using the keystroker api to send inputted keystrokes is shown below:
"""Simple test loop for sending user inputted keys"""
from keystroker.sendkeys import sendkeys
print("Testing SendKeys...")
while True:
line = input("Please input text to print: ")
To get advanced help in using keystrokers api, documentation is present within the source code.
To get help in using keystroker's terminal command use the following command:
keystroker -h