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Ansible Role: Hetzner Firewall

An Ansible Role that manages Hetzner Robot Firewall.



Name Type Version Location
ansible-filter Python package 1.0.1 Control node

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):


Base url that is pointing to the Hetzner Robot API. The variable is mostly utilized for testing purposes, there is no need to change the default.

hetzner_firewall_webservice_username: robot

Webservice login name. May be set/changed as described in the section Change Access Data (Hetzner Wiki).

hetzner_firewall_webservice_password: secret

Webservice password. May be set/changed as described in the section Change Access Data (Hetzner Wiki).

  - name: New Template
    whitelist_hos: true
    is_default: false
        - action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4
          name: Allow all

Multiple firewall templates may be managed using hetzner_firewall_templates variable. A firewall template is identified by the name attribute. The name must be unique to omit collision/unexpected behavior. The state attribute for a template defaults to present.

  - name: New Template
    state: absent

To ensure the template is removed add state: absent. The name attribute remains mandatory to identify origin state.

    name: New Template

Host firewall may be managed by referencing an existing firewall template from the hetzner_firewall_templates list. The variable hetzner_firewall_host may be defined for a particular host group or a dedicated host. Undefined hetzner_firewall_host leaves the related host or host group firewall being ignored by the role.

    absent: true

To remove the firewall configuration for a particular host add state: absent to the host firewall configuration. Additional configuration parameters do not take effect when state: absent is provided.

    status: disabled

To disable the firewall for configuration for a particular host add status: disabled to the host firewall configuration. Additional configuration parameters do not take effect when state: disabled is provided.

hetzner_firewall_webservice_concurrent_requests: 1
hetzner_firewall_webservice_concurrent_poll: 1

To speed up the role execution while handling the firewall configuration for a big amount of hosts, the number of parallel requests made to the Hetzner Robot API can be controlled by hetzner_firewall_webservice_concurrent_requests variable. The poll interval for asynchronous request result processing is set using hetzner_firewall_webservice_concurrent_poll. Check official documentation on Asynchronous Actions and Polling for more explanation.


Tags can be used to limit the role execution to a particular task module. Following tags are available:

  • hetzner_firewall,config: Covers the full role lifecycle.
  • hetzner_firewall_template: Manages firewall templates.
  • hetzner_firewall_host: Manages hosts firewall.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - nl2go.hetzner_firewall

Example Configuration

  - name: Real World Template
    whitelist_hos: true
    is_default: true
        - name: Allow ICMP
          action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4
          protocol: icmp
        - name: Allow TCP based downloads
          action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4
          protocol: tcp
          dst_port: 32768-65535
          tcp_flags: syn
        - name: Allow UDP based downloads
          action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4
          protocol: tcp
          dst_port: 32768-65535
        - name: Allow SSH Office IP
          action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4
          protocol: tcp
          dst_port: '22'
        - name: Allow private range 1
          action: accept
          ip_version: ipv4


Use docker-molecule following the instructions to run Molecule or install Molecule locally (not recommended, version conflicts might appear).

Use following to run tests:

molecule test --all

This role relies on hetzner-robot-api-mock to simulate interactions with the Hetzner Robot API.



See the file for details.

Author Information

This role was created by in 2019 by Newsletter2Go GmbH.