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Add if/else handling AND make sure the arguments are not assinged
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mattfidler committed Oct 31, 2023
1 parent f8d7ff8 commit 3ad8ba9
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Showing 2 changed files with 430 additions and 1 deletion.
346 changes: 345 additions & 1 deletion R/symengine.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2476,7 +2476,7 @@ rxErrEnvF$probitNorm <- function(est, low = "0", hi = "1") {
stop("'probitNorm' can only be in an error function", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(rxErrEnv.lambda)) {
if (rxErrEnv.yj != "1") {
if (rxErrEenv.yj != "1") {
if (rxErrEnv.yj != "6" &&rxErrEnv.yj != "7") {
stop("'probitNorm' cannot be used with other data transformations", call. = FALSE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3076,3 +3076,347 @@ rxSplitPlusQ <- function(x, level = 0, mult = FALSE) {
rxSupportedFuns <- function() {

.rxFunEq <- c(
"lgamma" = 1,
"abs" = 1,
"acos" = 1,
"acosh" = 1,
"asin" = 1,
"asinh" = 1,
"atan" = 1,
"atan2" = 2,
"atanh" = 1,
"beta" = 2,
"cos" = 1,
"cosh" = 1,
"erf" = 1,
"erfc" = 1,
"exp" = 1,
"log" = 1,
"sin" = 1,
"sinh" = 1,
"sqrt" = 1,
"tan" = 1,
"tanh" = 1,
## C's math.h library
"floor" = 1,
"round" = 1,
"ceil" = 1,
"trunc" = 1,
## Special R functions
"bessel_i" = 3,
"bessel_j" = 2,
"bessel_k" = 3,
"bessel_y" = 2,
"logspace_add" = 2,
"logspace_sub" = 2,
"fmax2" = 2,
"fmin2" = 2,
"sign" = 1,
"fsign" = 2,
"fprec" = 2,
"fround" = 2,
"ftrunc" = 2,
"transit" = NA,
"gammaq" = 2,
"gammapDer" = 2,
"gammapInv" = 2,
"gammapInva" = 2,
"gammaqInv" = 2,
"gammaqInva" = 2,
"lowergamma" = 2,
"uppergamma" = 2)

.rxOnly <- c(
## Now random number generators
"rnorm" = NA,
"rxnorm" = NA,
"rxbinom" = 2,
"rbinom" = 2,
"rxcauchy" = NA,
"rcauchy" = NA,
"rchisq" = 1,
"rxchisq" = 1,
"rexp" = 1,
"rxexp" = 1,
"rbeta" = 2,
"rxbeta" = 2,
"rgeom" = 1,
"rxgeom" = 1,
"rxpois" = 1,
"rpois" = 1,
"rxt" = 1,
"rt" = 1

.rxFun2cNameOrAtomic <- function(x, envir) {
# see if it is a reserved rxode2 name/function for name clashes
x <- as.character(x)
if (!exists("res", envir=envir)) {
envir$res <- c(rxSupportedFuns(),
rxReservedKeywords[, 1],
strsplit(paste(rxReservedKeywords[, 3],collapse=","),"[,]+")[[1]])
if (x %in% envir$funs) {
return(paste0("_qf_", x))

.rxFun2cArithmeticOperators <- function(x, envir) {
if (length(x) == 3) {
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`/`))) {
.x2 <- x[[2]]
.x3 <- x[[3]]
## df(%s)/dy(%s)
if (identical(.x2, quote(`d`)) &&
identical(.x3[[1]], quote(`dt`))) {
if (length(.x3[[2]]) == 1) {
.state <- as.character(.x3[[2]]) # .rxToSE(.x3[[2]], envir = envir)
} else {
.state <- .rxFun2c(.x3[[2]], envir = envir)
stop("d/dt(", .state, ") not supported in functions for translation")
} else {
if (length(.x2) == 2 && length(.x3) == 2) {
if (identical(.x2[[1]], quote(`df`)) &&
identical(.x3[[1]], quote(`dy`))) {
if (length(.x2[[2]]) == 1) {
.state <- as.character(.x2[[2]])
} else {
.state <- .rxFun2c(.x2[[2]], envir = envir)
if (length(.x3[[2]]) == 1) {
.var <- as.character(.x3[[2]])
} else {
.var <- .rxFun2c(.x3[[2]], envir = envir)
stop("df(", .state, ")/dy(", .var, ") statements are not supported in translation",
call. = FALSE)
.ret <- paste0(
.rxFun2c(.x2, envir = envir),
.rxFun2c(.x3, envir = envir)
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`^`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`**`))) {
if (is.numeric(x[[3]]) &&
checkmate::checkIntegerish(x[[3]])) {
return(paste0("R_pow_di(", .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir = envir), ",",
as.character(x[[3]]), ")"))
} else {
return(paste0("R_pow(", .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), ",",
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir), ")"))
} else {
.ret <- paste0(
.rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir = envir),
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir = envir)
} else {
## Unary Operators
.rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir = envir)
.rxFun2cAssignOperators <- function(x, envir = envir) {
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
stop("formulas or other expressions with '~` are not supported in translation",
if (as.character(x[[2]]) %in% envir$args) {
stop("cannot assign argument '", as.character(x[[2]]),
"' in functions converted to C",
.lhs <- .rxFun2cNameOrAtomic(x[[2]], envir=envir)
if (!(.lhs %in% envir$args)) {
envir$vars <- c(envir$vars, .lhs)
envir$didAssign <- TRUE
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", envir$n), collapse="")
return(paste0(.pre, "_lastValue = ", .lhs, " = ",
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir), ";\n"))

.rxFun2cSquareBracket <- function(x, envir) {
stop("bracket expressions (ie ret[3]) are not supported in translation",
call. = FALSE)

.rxFun2cLogic <- function(x, envir) {
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`!`))) {
return(paste0("!(", .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), ")"))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`&`))) {
return(paste0(.rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), " && ",
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir)))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`|`))) {
return(paste0(.rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), " || ",
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir)))
} else {
return(paste0(.rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), " ", as.character(x[[1]]), " ",
.rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir)))

.rxFun2cIf <- function(x, envir) {
.logic <- .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir)
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", envir$n), collapse="")
.ret <- paste(.pre, "if (", .logic, ") ");
.ret <- paste0(.ret, .rxFun2c(x[[3]], envir=envir))

if (length(x) == 3) {
envir$isExpr <- TRUE
.ret <- sub("else +if", "else if", paste0(.ret, .pre, "else ", .rxFun2c(x[[4]], envir=envir)))
envir$isExpr <- TRUE

.rxFun2cCall <- function(x, envir) {
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
.ret <- "{\n"
envir$n <- envir$n + 2
.ret <- paste0(.ret,
function(i) {
.cur <- x[[i]]
.last <- envir$didAssign
.expr <- envir$isExpr
assign("isExpr", .expr, envir=envir)
assign("didAssign", .last, envir=envir)
envir$didAssign <- FALSE
.cur <- .rxFun2c(.cur, envir=envir)
if(!envir$didAssign && !envir$isExpr) {
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", envir$n), collapse="")
return(paste0(.pre, "_lastValue = ", .cur, ";\n"))
}, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE),
envir$n <- envir$n - 2
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", envir$n), collapse="")
.ret <- paste0(.ret, .pre, "}\n")
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`(`))) {
return(paste0("(", .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir = envir), ")"))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`&`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`&&`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`==`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`||`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`|`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`>`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`>=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`!=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`!`))
return(.rxFun2cLogic(x, envir=envir))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`*`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`**`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`^`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`+`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`-`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`/`))) {
return(.rxFun2cArithmeticOperators(x, envir = envir))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<-`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
return(.rxFun2cAssignOperators(x, envir))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`[`))) {
return(.rxFun2cSquareBracket(x, envir = envir))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`if`))) {
return(.rxFun2cIf(x, envir = envir))
} else {
# supported functions
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`return`))) {
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", envir$n), collapse="")
envir$didAssign <- TRUE
return(paste0(.pre, "return (", .rxFun2c(x[[2]], envir=envir), ");\n"))
.ret0 <- lapply(x, .stripP)
.FunEq <- c(.rxFunEq, rxode2parse::.rxSEeqUsr())
.curName <- paste(.ret0[[1]])
.nargs <- .FunEq[.curName]
if (! {
if (.nargs == length(.ret0) - 1) {
return(paste0(.curName, "(",
function(i) {
.rxFun2c(.ret0[[i]], envir=envir)
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
stop("cannot translate function '", .curName, "'",

#' @rdname rxToSE
#' @export
.rxFun2c <- function(x, envir) {
if ( || is.atomic(x)) {
return(.rxFun2cNameOrAtomic(x, envir=envir))
} else if ( {
return(.rxFun2cCall(x, envir = envir))
} else {
stop("unsupported expression", call. = FALSE)

rxFun2c <- function(fun) {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$vars <- character(0)
.funName <- as.character(substitute(fun))
.f <- formals(fun)
.env$args <- names(.f)
.env$n <- 2
.env$isExpr <- FALSE
if (any(.env$args == "...")) {
stop("functions with ... in them are not supported",
call. =FALSE)
.start <- paste0("double ", .funName, "(", paste(paste("double ", .env$args), collapse=", "),
") {\n")

.body <- as.list(body(fun))
.body <- paste(vapply(seq_along(.body)[-1], function(i) {
.extra <- .extra2 <- ""
.cur <- .body[[i]]
.env$didAssign <- FALSE
.cur <- .rxFun2c(.cur, envir=.env)
if(!.env$didAssign && !.env$isExpr) {
.pre <- paste0(rep(" ", .env$n), collapse="")
return(paste0(.pre, "_lastValue = ", .cur, ";\n"))
.env$isExpr <- FALSE
character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), collapse="")

.start <- paste0(.start,
paste0(" double ",
paste(paste0(c("_lastValue", unique(.env$vars)), "=NA_REAL"), collapse=","),
.stop <- " return _lastValue;\n}\n"
.cCode <- paste0(.start, .body, .stop)

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