Convert tarr2fhir Sync4Genes - Versiti and GenDx
This repository contains an API that can translate GenDx xml format to fhir. Input is either a single xml or a collection of all HLA loci xmls for a single Sample/Subject. These input files are generated by Versiti using the Gendx format for Sync4Genes.
Two API EPs are available
- /tarr/convert2Fhir - this EP accepts a single input Xml generated based on the Tarr.xsd (available in the src/main/resources folder). The xml file will be translated into an Hl7 Fhir bundle in R4 format.
- /tarr/convertZip - this EP accepts a zip file containing all the individual HLA locus files for a single sample (or subject)
- The Resources generated include the following:
- DiagnosticReport
- Bundle
- Observation (both allele and genotype)
- Provenance
- MolecularSequence
- Device
- A simple Angular based UI has been enabled for the users to upload files and translate to FHIR
- Build and running instructions are described in the DevOps section
- Java 8 or above
- Apache Maven
- Postman or Curl
- If you are a programmer, then an IDE such as one of the following will be useful to modify/update code as needed:
- IntelliJ
- Eclipse
- Spring Tools Suite (STS)
- Only item that may need modifying, is the "server.port" in the "" file. If the default port specified in the application is in use in your local-environment, then the application will need a different "free" port to start up
- If you change this port, then you need to modify the following also -
- In the UI code folder 'tarr2fhirUI', find file "upload.service.ts" under 'src/app/uploader/'
- Update the SERVER_URL_SINGLE and SERVER_URL_ZIP with the same port number from '' file
- If you change this port, then you need to modify the following also -
- The code can be checked out from the "master" branch of the "nmdp-bioinformatics/tarr2fhir" page.
- If the intent is to add your own code, then kindly fork this repo and create your changes in your forked repo
- Generate Pull Request when ready and merge to main repository
- Code repository details:
- main repo nmdp-bioinformatics/tarr2fhir has the latest published code
- master branch will have release ready code
- forked repo jiyer-nmdp/tarr2fhir is being used for active development
- master branch will be updated before merging upstream
- develop branch will contain latest development updates
- main repo nmdp-bioinformatics/tarr2fhir has the latest published code
- After checking out the code, please do the following
- The "TARR.xsd" file is not part of the code repository.
- This file needs to be downloaded from -
- After downloading the file, please put it in the "src/main/resources/schemas/" folder next to "bindings.xjb".
- Run the command 'mvn clean install'
- Starting the backend application
- Navigate to the 'target' folder that is generated
- Run 'java -jar tarr2fhir-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar' in the command line
- Starting the UI component
- Navigate to 'tarr2fhirUI' folder in the command line
- Run 'npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular' to install angular build capability
- Run 'ng serve'
- With the application launched locally, the APIs will be available at
- http://localhost:8090
- for /tarr/convert2Fhir
- POST a single gendx format "xml" to this using POSTman or curl
- Use the following headers:
- Content-type: application/xml
- for /tarr/convertZip
- POST a zip file containing all HLA locus xml files for a single Sample/Subject using POSTman or curl
- Use the following input types:
- Body: form-data: input file name - "upfile" Choose "File" and upload the zip file
- curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8090/tarr/convertZip'
--header 'Access-Control-Request-Headers: *'
--form 'upfile=@/Users/jiyer2/Downloads/FHIR NMDP'
- curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8090/tarr/convertZip'
- for /tarr/convert2Fhir
- API Responses (for both):
- 200 OK
- Json fhir transaction Bundle containing the following resources:
- Bundle
- DiagnosticReport
- Observation (both Allele and Genotype)
- Provenance
- Device
- MolecularSequence
- Json fhir transaction Bundle containing the following resources:
- if there are errors, standard error messages will be received
- 200 OK
- http://localhost:8090
- The API health can be tested by calling one of the two actuator end-points that are enabled as part of spring-boot application setup
- The Swagger-Api documentation page can be found at
- Using UI to test
- After starting the application
- Go to "http://localhost:4200"
- On the page
- Select 'Zip file' if uploading a zip of tarr xml files.
- Select 'Xml file' if uplading a single tarr xml
- Hit 'Upload' and wait for 'Download' button to appear
- Click 'Download' button to download the json bundle
- Downloading the resource will also Refresh the UI page (for a fresh file upload)
Resource(s) to be generated in future
- Organization
Make the API and UI customizable by providing input "parameters" to specify meta-data options
Add test classes
Add more Java Docs
Make the Json bundle response generated in the UI better formatted
Dockerize both the Service and the UI
- Please refer to existing Pull Requests that have been merged and the changelist descriptions for details of code updates