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Toan Nguyen edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Valet Pro Max is a development environment for macOS. No Vagrant, no Docker, no /etc/hosts file.

Valet vs. Valet Pro Max

Valet Pro Max is a shell upon Laravel Valet. Valet Pro Max adds functionality to Valet with a goal of making things even simpler and faster. We are very grateful to the Laravel team for providing the base that we built Valet Pro Max upon, see the Laravel website.

Why Valet/Valet Pro Max?

Valet Pro Max configures your Mac to always run Nginx in the background when your machine starts. Then, using DnsMasq, Valet Pro Max proxies all requests on the *.test domain to point to sites installed on your local machine.

In other words, a blazing fast development environment. Valet Pro Max provides a great alternative if you want flexible basics or prefer extreme speed.

Differences from Valet

Here are a few key differences compared to the original Valet:

  • Nginx config optimization
  • PHP extensions (yaml, apcu, ds, imagick)
  • MySQL (mysql@5.7, mysql@8.0, mysql@8.1, mariadb)
  • Mailhog (on/off mode)
  • Varnish (on/off mode)
  • Redis (on/off mode)
  • Rabbitmq (on/off mode)
  • Xdebug (on/off mode)
  • Memcache (on/off mode)
  • Ioncube (on/off mode)
  • Elasticsearch v6, v7, v8 (on/off mode) using Docker
  • Opensearch v1, v2 (on/off mode)
  • Rewrite/unrewrite public domain to local environment
  • Binaries (magerun, magerun2, drush, wp-cli, shopify-cli)
  • Log rotation for Valet Pro Max services (nginx, mysql, phpfpm). To prevent big logfiles consume all disk storage.
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