Calculating the Molecular Formula for Aspirin
Aspirin is basically a pain relieving drug/medicine. The Chemical formula for Aspirin is C9H8O4, where C is carbon(9 atoms) H is hydrogen(8 atoms) and O is Oxygen(4 atoms).
One of the most common formats to store the chemical structure of Aspirin, so that it can be understood by a computer-based process, is known as a Mol File. A molfile consists of a header block and a connection table. The header block Identifies the molfile such as molecule name, user's name, program, date, and other miscellaneous information and comments. A Connection table or in short Ctab contains information describing the structural relationships and properties of a collection of atoms.
Basically, purpose of this program is to read the molecular structural data present in the molfile with the help of programming language C. Also, this program reproduces the Chemical formula of Aspirin as an output with the help of the structural relationship between the atoms.
For a detailed description kindly look into the file. This file contains the whole process from scratch.