Page size CSS is a collection of CSS snippets to create HTML elements for pages.
Used for creating pages in HTML e.g. creating a printable web-based CV.
Download page.css manually.
include page.css in your <head>
like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="page.css">
create an <page>
element and set the size
<page size="A4">
Some text here
you can also set the margin and layout
<page size="A4" margin="standard" layout="landscape">
Some text here
All available page sizes:
- A0 to A10
- B0 to B10
- C0 to C10
- letter
- half-letter
- legal
- junior-legal
- ledger or tabloid
All available margins:
- standard
- thin
- thick
All available layouts:
- portrait (none)
- landscape
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.