Name | Type | Description | Notes |
item | \Swagger\Client\Model\CheckoutItem | Information about an item in the cart. | [optional] |
discount_amount | double | The amount the item is discounted. This parameter is ignored for packages. | [optional] |
appointment_booking_requests | \Swagger\Client\Model\CheckoutAppointmentBookingRequest[] | A list of appointments to be booked then paid for by this item. This parameter applies only to pricing option items. | [optional] |
enrollment_ids | int[] | A list of enrollment IDs that this item is to pay for. This parameter applies only to pricing option items. | [optional] |
class_ids | int[] | A list of class IDs that this item is to pay for. This parameter applies only to pricing option items. | [optional] |
course_ids | int[] | A list of course IDs that this item is to pay for. This parameter applies only to pricing option items. | [optional] |
visit_ids | int[] | A list of visit IDs that this item is to pay for. This parameter applies only to pricing option items. | [optional] |
appointment_ids | int[] | A list of appointment IDs that this item is to reconcile. | [optional] |
id | int | The item’s unique ID within the cart. | [optional] |
quantity | int | The number of this item to be purchased. | [optional] |