Qute is a simple quote database - a bare bones clone of bash.org. The main goal is to make it dead simple to set up your own quote collection website.
In the spirit of The Twelve Factor App, Qute pulls some django settings from environment variables:
Try deploying me to heroku! I haven't figured out a good way to get django staticfiles and heroku to play nicely yet, so I'm currently hosting the static assets under a subdomain that is just running a simple webserver.
# create and configure the app
git clone https://github.com/noah256/qute.git
heroku create --stack cedar
heroku config:add DEBUG=false
heroku config:add STATIC_ROOT=/tmp/unused_on_heroku
heroku config:add STATIC_URL=//my.static.host/
heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=`head -c 60 /dev/urandom | base64`
heroku config:add ADMINS="Name"<name@example.com>
# deploy
git push heroku master
# initial database setup
heroku run python manage.py syncdb
heroku run python manage.py migrate
# deploy static assets
foreman run manage.py collectstatic
rsync -pthrvz --rsh='ssh -p 22' path/to/local/static_root user@my.static.host:/path/to/static_root
# open the app in your browser!
heroku open
- Implement a better ranking algorithm. (How Not To Sort By Average Rating)
- Better access control for voting. Maybe take a page from xkcdb and use sessions abd captcha?
- Figure out a better way to host staticfiles. There may be a way to get a heroku dyno to run collectstatic on startup, or maybe this is just a job for S3.