simple script to parse through Forcepoint security portal email tracking results
Run it from windows or adapt paths accordingly
download the requirements
fill in the whitelist and the bad lures file - point the program to their location
drop a days worth of accepted emails tracking_results
this script bodges through it and prints out a csv of email subjects and senders that are worthwhile looking into
lures csv should be a single column\list of bad words to match (this is dead basic and returns any match so can catch words containing the searched for word so don't be surprised if you turn up scunthorpe or essex)
whitelist should be two columns\ lists give it a header sender, subject then chuck in a load of sending domains\addresses and subjects that you don't mind. For now add the same amount of both. if you have extra subjects chuck a load of domains in or a trusted domain.
grab shit you need from the requirements.txt but also grab python-levenshtein