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Etienne edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

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Comparing node-opcua (bin/simple_server --silent) , with Prosys OPCUA Server (V2.2.0.94) and UAAutomation UACPPServer

 Performance testing : NODE OPCUA
   nbConcurrentRead =  1
         local nb read per sec =  9868.77  apparent time=  7.47 
         overall read  per sec =  9723.17  t =  7.582709123
                      byteWritten =  3511241
                      byteRead    =  14183280
            transactionsPerformed =  2053
            chunkWrittenCount     =  2054
            chunkReadCount        =  2054
   nbConcurrentRead =  4
         local nb read per sec =  2588.12  apparent time=  28.48 ms
         overall read  per sec =  13947.00  t =  5.286298697
                      byteWritten =  7013321
                      byteRead    =  28351344
            transactionsPerformed =  4101
            chunkWrittenCount     =  4102
            chunkReadCount        =  4102
   nbConcurrentRead =  16
         local nb read per sec =  671.65  apparent time=  109.77077858500014
         overall read  per sec =  14425.93  t =  5.110796752
                      byteWritten =  10515401
                      byteRead    =  42519408
            transactionsPerformed =  6149
            chunkWrittenCount     =  6150
            chunkReadCount        =  6150
   nbConcurrentRead =  256
         local nb read per sec =  54.84  apparent time=  1344.4424057969975
         overall read  per sec =  14150.54  t =  5.210260789
                      byteWritten =  14017481
                      byteRead    =  56687472
            transactionsPerformed =  8197
            chunkWrittenCount     =  8198
            chunkReadCount        =  8198
   nbConcurrentRead =  1024
         local nb read per sec =  11.20  apparent time=  6581.797845974994
         overall read  per sec =  12194.08  t =  6.046211566
                      byteWritten =  17519561
                      byteRead    =  70855536
            transactionsPerformed =  10245
            chunkWrittenCount     =  10246
            chunkReadCount        =  10246

 Performance testing : UA Automation
   nbConcurrentRead =  1
         local nb read per sec =  26999.40  apparent time=  2.7307276130000036
         overall read  per sec =  26393.00  t =  2.793468491
                      byteWritten =  3625982
                      byteRead    =  14185775
            transactionsPerformed =  2053
            chunkWrittenCount     =  2054
            chunkReadCount        =  2054
   nbConcurrentRead =  4
         local nb read per sec =  6350.09  apparent time=  11.610549038000018
         overall read  per sec =  33004.61  t =  2.2338696909999998
                      byteWritten =  7242750
                      byteRead    =  28353839
            transactionsPerformed =  4101
            chunkWrittenCount     =  4102
            chunkReadCount        =  4102
   nbConcurrentRead =  16
         local nb read per sec =  1479.89  apparent time=  49.820034535
         overall read  per sec =  30744.29  t =  2.398103661
                      byteWritten =  10859518
                      byteRead    =  42521903
            transactionsPerformed =  6149
            chunkWrittenCount     =  6150
            chunkReadCount        =  6150
   nbConcurrentRead =  256
         local nb read per sec =  111.46  apparent time=  661.4963873799996
         overall read  per sec =  29150.09  t =  2.5292545349999997
                      byteWritten =  14476286
                      byteRead    =  56689967
            transactionsPerformed =  8197
            chunkWrittenCount     =  8198
            chunkReadCount        =  8198
   nbConcurrentRead =  1024
         local nb read per sec =  27.01  apparent time=  2729.5140279249927
         overall read  per sec =  28360.64  t =  2.599659245
                      byteWritten =  18093054
                      byteRead    =  70858031
            transactionsPerformed =  10245
            chunkWrittenCount     =  10246
            chunkReadCount        =  10246

 Performance testing : PROSYS
   nbConcurrentRead =  1
         local nb read per sec =  14330.66  apparent time=  5.144773155999986
         overall read  per sec =  14132.30  t =  5.216984703
                      byteWritten =  2419160
                      byteRead    =  14237892
            transactionsPerformed =  2053
            chunkWrittenCount     =  2054
            chunkReadCount        =  4106
   nbConcurrentRead =  4
         local nb read per sec =  3925.09  apparent time=  18.783752324999956
         overall read  per sec =  21479.70  t =  3.432449588
                      byteWritten =  4829656
                      byteRead    =  28455108
            transactionsPerformed =  4101
            chunkWrittenCount     =  4102
            chunkReadCount        =  8202
   nbConcurrentRead =  16
         local nb read per sec =  955.58  apparent time=  77.15521259599984
         overall read  per sec =  20122.39  t =  3.663978364
                      byteWritten =  7240152
                      byteRead    =  42672324
            transactionsPerformed =  6149
            chunkWrittenCount     =  6150
            chunkReadCount        =  12298
   nbConcurrentRead =  2

         local nb read per sec =  67.93  apparent time=  1085.419139196002
         overall read  per sec =  17757.73  t =  4.151881595
                      byteWritten =  9650648
                      byteRead    =  56889540
            transactionsPerformed =  8197
            chunkWrittenCount     =  8198
            chunkReadCount        =  16394
   nbConcurrentRead =  1024
         local nb read per sec =  18.48  apparent time=  3990.230390744994
         overall read  per sec =  19796.75  t =  3.724248449
                      byteWritten =  12061144
                      byteRead    =  71106756
            transactionsPerformed =  10245
            chunkWrittenCount     =  10246
            chunkReadCount        =  20490
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