XDIMSUM -- Experimental Deep Infrared Mosaicing Software
XDIMSUM is a package for creating accurate sky subtracted images from sets of dithered observations. While the observations need not be in the infrared, the dominance of the variable sky background in infrared data requires dithering of many short exposures and recombination with careful sky subtraction to produce deep images. Hence the package is called "Experimental Deep Infrared Mosaicing Software" or XDIMSUM.
XDIMSUM is a variant of the DIMSUM package developed by P. Eisenhardt, M. Dickensen, S.A. Stanford, and J. Ward. F. Valdes (IRAF group) modified DIMSUM to support FITS format images, added the DIMSUM tutorial demos script, wrote the original version of this document, and repackaged DIMSUM for distribution as an IRAF external package. L. Davis (IRAF group) rewrote the the major DIMSUM scripts to improve their clarity, robustness, and efficiency, added new scripts for computing relative offsets, and documented the tasks. The new package uses the same default algorithms as DIMSUM but is sufficiently different in format that it has been renamed XDIMSUM. A short summary of the major differences between XDIMSUM and DIMSUM is provided below and is duplicated in the on-line user's guide. XDIMSUM is being made available to the community as an external pacakge in the hope that some of the new features may prove useful to others. Users should direct XDIMSUM installation questions, bug reports, questions about technical details, and comments and suggestions to the the IRAF group (iraf@noao.edu) not the original authors.
The current contents of the XDIMSUM package are
xmosaic - Driver sript for first pass and mask pass processing steps
xfirstpass - Driver script for first pass processing steps
xmaskpass - Driver script for mask pass processing steps
xslm - Sky subtract images using running median
maskfix - Fix bad pixel in images using a bad pixel mask
xzap - Remove cosmic rays from images using median filtering
xnzap - Remove cosmis rays from images using averaging filter
badpixupdate - Update bad pixel mask to include bad pixels detected by xzap xnregistar - Mosaic the images using sub-pixel replication and masking mkmask - Create the initial master object mask maskdereg - Deregister master object mask to individual object masks xdshifts - Compute shifts using image display and centroiding techniques xfshifts - Compute shifts using star finding and centroiding techniques xmshifts - Compute shifts using star finding and list matching techniques xrshifts - Compute shifts using x-correlation techniques
iterstat - Compute image statistics using iterative rejection
xlist - Create image sublists used by xslm
makemask - Make an object mask for a single image
orient - Reorient image to N up and E left or undo re-orientation
sigmanorm - Renormalize mosaic image to uniform pixel-to-pixel rms
maskstat - Compute mask statistics using iterative rejection
demos - Xdimsum demo data script
guide - Guide to using xdimsum with the xmosaic task
New Release: January 24, 2003
Modification to xdshifts to avoid problem with IMEXAMINE and
DS9. If you use XIMTOOL then there is no need to update.
New Release: August 6, 2002
The xnregistar step was not maintaining the proper exposure
time factors.
New Release: June 27, 2002
Fixed an undefined variable problem in the xmskcombine task.
New Release: June 25, 2002
Fixed some problems related to the default mask names in
New Release: June 19, 2002
The cmimglist variable was undefined in the xnregistar script causing
it to fail if interpolation instead of block replication is used.
New Release: May 02, 2002
Fixed various problems with the ximcombine task.
New Release: January 30, 2002
Fixed an ximcombine problem in handling offsets which resulted in
gross inefficiences when combining large images.
New Release: December 4, 2001
Fixed an ximcombine problem that only showed up on Linux.
New Release: November 28, 2001
Replaced ximcombine with the latest enhanced, bug fixed, and repackaged
version from Frank which preserves the existing parameter set and
New Release: August 11, 2001
Fixed a segvio error in ximcombine that was triggered when trying to
combine large numbers >~ 250 pixel masks.
New Release: July 17, 2001
Fixed an infinite loop problem in the interactive threshold determining
algorithm in the xmosaic task.
New Release: June 01, 2001
Added the negthresh parameter to the makemask task and made the parameter
visible to the xfirstpass, xmaskpass, and xmosaic tasks. If negthresh
is yes both positive and negative masking threshold are used otherwise
only positive masking threshold are used. Negthresh is set to no in
the xzap makemask call.
Made the badpixupdate task nrepeats parameter visible to the xfirstpass,
xmaskpass, and xmosaic tasks.
Made the regions growing parameter ngrow visible to the xmaskpass and
xmosaic scripts.
Rearranged the listing of the xmosaic task switch parameters to
be back at the beginning of the task listing.
Removed the nprev_omask parameter from the maskdereg task and added it
to the xnregistar task. Also made the parameter visible to the xmaskpass
and mosaic scripts.
Added the omasks parameter to the xnregistar task.
Correct various minor bugs to do with check for input file existence
and switch values.
Standard Installation Instructions For The Xdimsum Package
Installation of this external package consists ofobtaining the files, creating a directory containing the package, compiling the executables or installing precompiled executables, and defining the environment to load and run the package. The package may be installed for a site or as a personal installation. If you need help with these installation instructions contactiraf@noao.edu or call the IRAF HOTLINE at 520-318-8160.
[arch] In the following steps you will need to know the IRAF architecture identifier for your IRAF installation. This identifier is similar to the host operating system type. The identifiers are things like "ssun" for Solaris, "alpha" for Dec Alpha, and "linux" or "redhat" for most Linux systems. The IRAF architecture identifier is defined when you run IRAF. Start the CL and then type
cl> show arch
This is the value you need to know without the leading '.', i.e.
the IRAF architecture is "ssun" in the above example.
[1-site] If you are installing the package for a site login as IRAF and edit the IRAF file defining the packages.
% cd $hlib
Define the environment variable xdimsum to be the pathnames to the
xdimsum package root directory and the instrument database. The '$'
character must be escaped in the VMS pathname and UNIX pathnames must
be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include the following.
reset xdimsum = /local/xdimsum/
task xdimsum.pkg = xdimsum$xdimsum.cl
Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of
helpdb so it includes the xdimsum help database, copying the syntax
already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing
a closing quote:
[1-personal] If you are installing the package for personal use define a host environment variable with the pathname of the directory where the package will be located (needed in order to build the package from the source code). Note that pathnames must end with '/'. For example:
% setenv xdimsum /local/xdimsum/
In your login.cl or loginuser.cl file make the following definitions
somewhere before the "keep" statement.
reset xdimsum = /local/xdimsum/
task xdimsum.pkg = xdimsum$xdimsum.cl
printf ("reset helpdb=%s,xdimsum$lib/helpdb.mip\nkeep\n",
envget("helpdb")) | cl
If you will be compiling the package, as opposed to installing a
binary distribution, then you need to define various environment
variables. The following is for Unix/csh which is the main
supported environment.
# Example
% setenv iraf /iraf/iraf/ # Path to IRAF root (example)
% source $iraf/unix/hlib/irafuser.csh # Define rest of environment
% setenv IRAFARCH ssun # IRAF architecture
where you need to supply the appropriate path to the IRAF
installation root in the first step and the IRAF architecture
identifier for your machine in the last step.
[2] Login into IRAF. Create a directory to contain the package files and the instrument database files. These directory should be outside the standard IRAF directory tree.
cl> mkdir xdimsum$
cl> cd xdimsum
[3] The package is distributed as a tar archive of sources. Note that IRAF includes a tar reader. The tar file is most commonly obtained via anonymous ftp. Below is an example from a Unix machine where the compressed files have the ".Z" extension. Files with ".gz" or ".tgz" can be handled similarly.
cl> ftp iraf.noao.edu (
login: anonymous
password: [your email address]
ftp> cd iraf/extern
ftp> get xdimsum[v212].readme
ftp> binary
ftp> get xdimsum[v212].tar.Z
ftp> quit
cl> !uncompress xdimsum[v212].tar.Z
The readme file contains these instructions. The <arch> in the optional
executable distribution is replaced by the IRAF architecture identification
for your computer.
[4] Extract the source files from the tar archive using 'rtar".
cl> softools
so> rtar -xrf xdimsum[v212].tar
so> bye
On some systems, an error message will appear ("Copy 'bin.generic'
to './bin fails") which can be ignored. Sites should leave the
symbolic link 'bin' in the package root directory pointing to
'bin.generic' but can delete any of the bin.<arch> directories that
won't be used. If there is no binary directory for the system you
are installing it will be created when the package is compiled
later or when the binaries are installed.
If the binary executables have been obtained these are now extracted
into the appropriate bin.<arch> directory.
# Example of sparc installation.
cl> cd xdimsum
cl> rtar -xrf xdimsum-bin.sparc # Creates bin.sparc directory
The tar file can be deleted once it has been successfully installed.
[5] For a source installation you now have to build the package executable(s). First you configure the package for the particular architecture.
cl> cd xdimsum
cl> mkpkg <arch> # Substitute sparc, ssun, alpha, etc.
This will change the bin link from bin.generic to bin.<arch>. The
binary directory will be created if not present. If an error
occurs in setting the architecture then you may need to add an
entry to the file "mkpkg". Just follow the examples in the file.
To create the executables and move them to the binary directory
cl> mkpkg -p xdimsum update >& xdimsum.spool # build executables
cl> mkpkg generic # optionally restore generic setting
Check for errors. If the executables are not moved to the binary
directory then step [1] to define the path for the package was not
done correctly. The last step restores the package to a generic
configuration. This is not necessary if you will only have one
architecture for the package.
This should complete the installation. You can now load the package and begin testing and use.
Summary of Major Differences between XDIMSUM and DIMSUM
Input and Output Image and Mask Lists
All input and output image and file names and input and output image and file lists are now task parameters rather than being silently passed as keyword names, silently assumed to have already been created by a previous step, or silently created by the current step. For example the input object mask list required by the xslm task is now a parameter. Similarly the output sky subtraction and holes mask lists produced the the xslm task are now parameters. These changes make tracing the data flow from one processing step to another simpler.
Default Image and Mask Names
In most cases the output images and masks are assigned sensible default names if explicit output image and mask lists are not provided. For example in the case of the sky subtraction task xslm the suffix ".sub" is appended to the input images names to produce the output sky subtracted image names, and the suffixes ".ssm" and ".hom" are appended to sky subtracted image names to create the sky subtraction and holes mask names. In general if an output image or mask list parameter value begins with a '.' it is assumed to be a suffix rather than a complete name. The default image and mask name scheme means that users need not concern themselves with the names of the intermediate data products.
Use of Suffixes instead of Prefixes to Define Default Names
Suffixes instead of prefixes are used to create default names. Using suffixes means that the input and output image lists no longer need to be in the same directory.
New Tasks
A new sky subtraction task xnslm has been added to the XDIMSUM package. Xnslm is a script wrapper for the rskysub task. Xnslm is an alternative to the default xslm task. It is significantly faster than xslm.
A new cosmic ray removal task xnzap has been added to the XDIMSUM package. Xnzap is a script wrapper for the craverage task. Xnzap is an alternative to the default xzap task. It is significantly faster than xzap but not yet as well tested. Users are encouraged to experiment with xnzap and / or xcraverage on their own. User feedback on their effectiveness is welcome.
The code for interactively computing the relative shifts in a set of dithered images has been rewritten and moved into a separate task called xdshifts.
Three new script tasks for computing shifts for images taken in series with approximately constant shifts between adjacent images: xmshifts, xfshifts, and xrshifts, have been added to XDIMSUM. These scripts use modified versions of the existing starfind and imcentroid tasks called xstarfind and ximcentroid.
A new mask combining task xmskcombine has been added to the XDIMSUM package. Xmskcombine combines the badpix mask, the cosmic ray mask, the holes mask, and optionally the object mask for the previous image into a single bad pixel mask used the the xnregistar task. The xnregistar task no longer performs the mask combining step it used to.
New Algorithms
The main processing scripts xmosaic, xfirstpass, and xmaskpass can now be run repeatedly from scratch without requiring the user to delete any intermediate files. It has also been made simpler to restart these scripts at an intermediate point in the processing.
The mask deregistration task maskdereg now permits the user to create individual object masks which are a combination of the current mask and the N previous ones. This feature is useful in cases where the detector retains significant memory of previous exposures.
The image and mask statistics computation parameters used by the sky subtraction and cosmic ray removal tasks xslm and xzap, statsec, mstatsec, maxiter, and nreject can now be set by the user. Their default values are now "", "", 20, and 3.0 respectively, instead of being fixed at the values "", "", 10, and 5.0.
The maskstat task now outputs the computed mask statistics to the output parameters mean, msigma, median, and mmode in the same manner as the iterstat itask does.
The first pass image combining step performed by the xmosaic or xfirstpass tasks now includes an option for doing fractional pixel shifts.
The mask pass image combining step performed by the xmosaic or xmaskpass tasks now includes an option for doing image magnification using bilinear interpolation rather than block replication. This means that non-integer magnification factors are supported.
Internal Changes
Calls to existing IRAF tasks have been reviewed to make sure that all the task parameters are set in order to avoid unpleasant surprises if these parameters are not set at the expected defaults.
Complicated image operations requiring several steps have been replaced by a single call to the imexpr task where appropriate.
The image registration and combining step has been rewritten to use a new version of the imcombine task called xcombine which does not suffer from the number of open file limit and has better support for pixel masks. The registration should be much faster in most cases.
The sections, fileroot, imgets, minmax, iterstat, and maskstat tasks which return values to their parameters have been cached so that XDIMSUM tasks will work correctly in the background.
On normal task termination there are now no temporary files or images left either in the tmp$ directory or in the current working directory.