Phil: I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, and burned.
Rita: Oh, really?
Phil: ...and every morning I wake up without a scratch on me, not a dent in the fender... I am an immortal.
A clojure ring request recorder and replayer.
In your project.clj
:dependencies [...
[noisesmith/groundhog "0.0.3"]]
In your ring handler:
(ns app.ns
(:require ...
[noisesmith.groundhog :as groundhog]))
(def handler
(-> default/handler
By putting the groundhog handler last, you let it see the request before any other middleware.
The middleware takes an optional opts map:
{:sanitize sanitize-fn
:store store-fn
:replay replay-fn}
Each of these has a default implementation, but if you want to store anywhere other than a single global atom, or remove any sensitive data from the request body, you will likely want to provide custom implementations of each function.
store and replay should take and return a serialized request map, respectively. The map will be vanilla clojure edn, (unless some other handler has put something else in the request before groundhog sees it).
(fn store [rq] (spit (make-name rq) (pr-str rq)))
(fn replay [rq] (when (is-replay-request rq)
(slurp (make-find-name rq))))
Sanitize should take a and return a request map, and probably wants to check and / or manipulate the :body-bytes key which holds the copied bytes from the request body stream.
(fn sanitize [rq]
(->> rq
(walk/postwalk (fn [e]
(if (map? e)
(dissoc e "password")
(assoc rq :body-bytes %))
(catch Exception e ;; not a json body?
Since your body is likely text, the make-transform-as-string
function is provided to use a sanitizer that takes and returns a String. Byte-array is the default because the body may not be 8 bit clean (depending on your client, and what they decide to try to send you).
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