Drupal website for https://nostrver.se.
See docker/docker-compose.yml
See .gitlab-ci.yml
cd docker
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec drpl_drupal bash
composer install
drush si standard
for a clean site install- Delete existing entities
drush entity-delete shortcut
delete shortcut entities
- Enable devel module
drush en devel
- Generate a new UUID for the site
drush uuid
- Save this site UUID value site in
drush cset system.site uuid <the_uuid>
for setting the UUID in the databasedrush cim
for importing current config filesdrush cr
- Navigate to http://localhost in your browser
composer outdated
composer update -W
drush cr
drush updb
drush cex
composer clearcache
- AdvAgg
- Config Split
- Config Ignore
- Drush
- Raven
- Backup Migrate
- Symfony Mailer
- Reroute Email
- Paragraphs
- Admin Toolbar
- Admin Dialogs
- Gin
- Gin Login
- Admin Dialogs
- Pathauto
- Masquerade
- Ultimate Cron
- Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation
- Media Library Edit
- Markdown Easy
- WebP
- Swiper Formatter
Development only:
- Coder
- Devel
- Devel Entity Updates
- Webprofiler
- Drupal Coder
- Drupal Rector
$config['config_split.config_split.dev']['status'] = TRUE|FALSE;
$config['config_split.config_split.acceptance']['status'] = TRUE|FALSE;
$config['config_split.config_split.production']['status'] = TRUE|FALSE;
@TODO - https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories and https://github.com/fabpot/local-php-security-checker