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Next JS Static starter-kit

by @techhive.IO

Table of Content

Getting Started

git clone my-project
cd my-project
rm -r .git
cp .env.example .env
npm run dev

Make sure you enter the correct values in your .env file:

CONTENTFUL_SPACE=<your contentful space>
CONTENTFUL_TOKEN=<your contentful token>
PUBLIC_DOMAIN=<your domain name>

Useful Commands

  • dev - start application in development mode
  • build - build application in production mode
  • start - start application in production mode
  • export - build and export application into a static website
  • postexport - runs the post-export.js script, creates the sitemap.xml
  • type-check- type checking for typescript
  • format:write - runs prettier to format whole code base (.ts and .css)
  • lint - lints project using eslint,
  • populate:contentful - populates Contentful CMS


Developers often want a good starting point when implementing a new website. With this starter kit, the developer can implement a new blog, or use it as a inspiration to build any static website using NextJS.


  • Next.Js with Typescript support out of the box
  • Static Export out of the box
  • Contentful Integration with scripts to automatically populate your CMS
  • Easy integration and Deployment over Netlify and Zeit Now
  • Custom components
  • SEO friendly, with dynamic meta tags
  • Google Analytics
  • Optimized for speed and scalability
  • Relevant Suggestions for every blog post


Learning Materials

How to build a powerful blog with NextJS and Contentful

Making your blog smarter - How to implement suggestions


Please make sure you fill in the appropriate fields when submitting an issue. Our team will try to resolve it as soon as possible


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Abdul Rahman Zantout
Abdul Rahman Zantout

💻 📖 ⚠️ 🎨 📝
Ali El-Obaji
Ali El-Obaji

💻 📖 ⚠️ 🎨 📝


NextJS Static Starter is © 2019 Techhive.IO LLC . It is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

The names and logos for are trademarks of LLC.