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Simple Web-App and HowTo for setting up a Raspberry Pi with Camera for Time-lapse Photography

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Simple Web-App and complete HowTo for setting up a Raspberry Pi with Camera for Time-lapse Photography.

  • Node.js based Web-App for controlling and monitoring the camera and the Raspberry Pi
  • Reverse-SSH-Tunnel to another server - reach your Raspberry Pi behind firewalls (optional)
  • Dynamic-DNS-Client - find your Raspberry Pi easier in your local network (optional)
  • Wi-Fi autoconnect - if you have a USB Wi-Fi Adapter (optional)
  • Network-Watchdog - reset network and maybe emergency-reboot if connection is broken (optional)
  • BitTorrent-Sync - as sync-solution to get the photos out of the Pi (optional)
  • Sync-Script - via rsync as alternative to BitTorrent-Sync (optional)
  • Prerequisites: Raspberry Pi + Power + SD-Card, RaspiCam, LAN Cable, USB Wi-Fi Adapter (optional)


Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Setup SD-Card

  • Download current RaspberryPi OS (previously called Raspbian, "Jessie" or newer - "Lite" is enough)
  • Write extracted ".img"-file to SD-Card - see OS specific instructions
  • Create an empty file named "ssh" in the root folder of the SD-Card to enable automatic startup of OpenSSH
  • Attach the camera to the Raspberry Pi - see instructions
  • Put the SD-Card into your Raspberry Pi, Connect to your LAN (DHCP server needed), Power on
  • Login via SSH (maybe use local IP): ssh raspberrypi (Default Login: pi / Password: raspberry)
  • Make complete SD-Card usable: sudo raspi-config - 7 Advanced Options - A1 Expand Filesystem - Finish - Reboot

Setup RaspberryPi OS + Raspberry Pi Camera

  • Install updates: sudo apt update, sudo apt dist-upgrade and sudo apt clean
  • For some helpful optional customizations of your Raspberry Pi - see here
  • Enable camera: sudo raspi-config - 5 Interfacing Options - A1 Camera - Enable Camera - Finish (this also sets Memory Split to 128 MB)
  • Disable camera LED when taking pictures (optional): sudo sh -c 'echo "disable_camera_led=1" >> /boot/config.txt'
  • Reboot for the camera settings to take effect: sudo reboot

Setup RaspiCam-Timelapse

Retrieve the CPU of your Pi to select the proper latest Node.js version available:

uname -m

Install Node.js (for Node.js >=4.x you need Raspbian "Jessie" or newer - otherwise the native modules won't compile):

tar -xvf node-v4.4.3-linux-armv6l.tar.xz
sudo cp -R node-v4.4.3-linux-armv6l/{bin,include,lib,share} /usr/local/
rm -rf node-v4.4.3-linux-armv6l

Install GIT:

sudo apt install git

Check out this repository:

cd ~
git clone
cd raspicam-timelapse
npm install


# Create a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout config/timelapse.key -out config/timelapse.crt
chmod og= config/timelapse.key

# Prepare capture directory:
mkdir ../capture

Start server:

npm start &

... now open your browser - i.e. with https://raspberrypi:4443/ or IP address (Login: timelapse / Password: timelapse) :-)

Enable start on reboot:

crontab -e

# Insert this line into crontab:
@reboot /usr/local/bin/node ~/raspicam-timelapse/server.js &

Reverse SSH-Tunnel (optional)

Be sure, to change the default password before allowing connections from untrusted networks - see here.

Generate SSH-Key on Raspberry Pi (just press ENTER everywhere):

cd ~
ssh-keygen -t rsa

# Show the public key for using later:
cat ~/.ssh/

Allow SSH connections from Raspberry Pi on your remote server:

# Maybe add a new user - i.e. "timelapse" on your remote server (but you can use an existing one):
adduser --gecos Timelapse timelapse
chmod go-rwx /home/timelapse
cd /home/timelapse

# Add the raspberry's key (.ssh/ from above) on your remote server
# to the user and just allow port-forwarding (no login):
mkdir -p .ssh
echo "command=\"echo 'This account can only be used for port-forwarding'\",no-agent-forwarding,no-pty,no-X11-forwarding" \
    "{raspberry-public-key-from-above}" >> .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -R go-rwx .ssh
chown -R timelapse:timelapse .ssh

# Some global settings:
editor /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Enable listening on all interfaces for port-forwarding on your remote server
# (otherwise port-forwarding will listen only on localhost):
GatewayPorts yes

# Detect and close dead connections faster and close forwarded ports to reuse them:
ClientAliveInterval 30
ClientAliveCountMax 3

# Restart SSH server:
service sshd restart

Back on Raspberry Pi: Configure tunnels to be established - create a script with editor like the following example to forward port 10022 from your remote server to port 22 on Raspberry Pi - same with port 4443 and 8888:


~/raspicam-timelapse/ssh-reverse-tunnel/ 10022 22 &
~/raspicam-timelapse/ssh-reverse-tunnel/ 4443 4443 &
~/raspicam-timelapse/ssh-reverse-tunnel/ 18888 8888 &
# Make it executable:
chmod +x

# Check SSH-Connection and permanently add the key (type "yes"):
# (... should print "This account can only be used for port-forwarding" and close SSH connection)

# Add script to crontab:
crontab -e

# Insert this lines into crontab:
@reboot ~/
* * * * * ~/

Dynamic-DNS-Client (optional)

# Link script:
sudo ln -snf /home/pi/raspicam-timelapse/dynamic-dns-client/lib_dhcpcd_dhcpcd-hooks_90-dynamic-dns /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks/90-dynamic-dns

# Change config vars in dynamic-dns.conf:
sudo editor ~/raspicam-timelapse/dynamic-dns-client/dynamic-dns.conf

Wi-Fi autoconnect (optional)

sudo editor /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Append as many networks as you want - some examples:

# Secure Wi-Fi example:

# Open Wi-Fi example:

Activate Network-Watchdog (optional)

crontab -e

# Insert this line into crontab:
* * * * * sudo timeout -k 120 100 ~/raspicam-timelapse/network-watchdog/

# To enable the watchdog set IPV4_ENABLED=1 and/or IPV6_ENABLED=1 - default ping destination
# is the default gateway - override via IPV4_PING_DEST/IPV6_PING_DEST when needed:
cp ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf.example ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf
editor ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf

Use hardware watchdog with Network-Watchdog (optional)

apt-get install watchdog sudo editor /etc/default/watchdog


sudo mkdir /etc/watchdog.d

# To enable the watchdog set IPV4_ENABLED=1 and/or IPV6_ENABLED=1 - default ping destination
# is the default gateway - override via IPV4_PING_DEST/IPV6_PING_DEST when needed:
cp ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf.example ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf
editor ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/check-network.conf
sudo ln -s ~/raspicam-timelapse/network-watchdog/ /etc/watchdog.d/

systemctl enable watchdog

Install BitTorrent-Sync (optional)

We currently use BitTorrent-Sync as sync-solution, because Syncthing is very slow on Raspberry Pi.

mkdir btsync && cd btsync
tar -xvzf ../BitTorrent-Sync_arm.tar.gz

# Start BitTorrent-Sync:
./btsync --webui.listen
cd ..

# Enable start on reboot:
crontab -e
@reboot ~/btsync/btsync --webui.listen

Now open Web-Interface via "https://raspberrypi:8888/" and add "/home/pi/capture" folder for sync.

After that disable sync of "latest.jpg":

editor capture/.sync/IgnoreList

# Append to the end:

Install Sync-Script (optional)

Second sync method is a configurable sync script. Currently only tested with rsync.

Setup config file

You have to configure some options in sync/sync.conf (examples) at first


# add sync script to crontab
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * ~/raspicam-timelapse/sync/ ~/capture

less strict ssh restrictions needed on your remote server

You have to modify the authorized_keys line to allow the sync command to be executed

-command="echo 'This account can only be used for port-forwarding'"

Example for


if [[ "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" =~ [\&\;] ]] ;
    echo "Error: Invalid character found in command."
    exit 1

        echo "Error: Invalid command over ssh executed."
        exit 1


Use Ramdisk as primary capture folder (optional)

To save SD-Cards life, you can capture to a Ramdisk and sync immediately up. Only when sync does not work for any reason, files are moved to SD-Card and synced up from there.

fstab entry (sudo vim /etc/fstab)

capture_ramdisk /home/pi/capture_ramdisk tmpfs size=30M,uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=755 0 0
mkdir /home/pi/capture_ramdisk
sudo mount /home/pi/capture_ramdisk

Additional crontab entries

# add sync script to crontab
crontab -e
# sync job for ramdisk
* * * * * ~/raspicam-timelapse/sync/ ~/capture_ramdisk
# move files older than 3 minutes to sd card
* * * * * ~/raspicam-timelapse/sync/ ~/capture_ramdisk ~/capture

3G/4G backup connection (optional)

Setup usb-modeswitch to put modem into ethernet mode

sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch usb-modeswitch-data

add udev rule
# Example values for Huawei E303 (please change for your specific device!):

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-usb-modeswitch.rules > /dev/null
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="$vendor_id", ATTRS{idProduct}=="$product_id", RUN+="/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -v $vendor_id -p $product_id -M $switch_message"

# reload udev:
sudo udevadm control --reload

Setup interfaces and routing

cp ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/interfaces-post-up.conf.example ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/interfaces-post-up.conf
editor ~/raspicam-timelapse/config/interfaces-post-up.conf
sudo editor /etc/network/interfaces

# add these lines:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
    post-up /home/pi/raspicam-timelapse/backup-connection/
# add dhcp configuration to dhcp config file
cat backup-connection/dhcpcd-to_add.conf | sudo tee -a /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Now plug in your UMTS stick.

Add additional tunnels to (replace <stick_local_ip>!)

~/raspicam-timelapse/ssh-reverse-tunnel/ 11022 22 <stick_local_ip> &


  • Switch to Ansible
  • Implement as a systemd service (start on boot, restart on crash, restart raspistill after crash)
  • Use NVM for installing Node.js -
  • Get Dynamic-DNS-Client more stable (trigger on IP adress changes, not just on cable plug)


Simple Web-App and HowTo for setting up a Raspberry Pi with Camera for Time-lapse Photography






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