##1.0 Mac OS:
- Install Xammp Server.
- run xammp, start mysql and apache server
- Go to browser to verify localhost. If its show something, we are done with the server setup.
- Go to its htdocs, clone the project from github.
- Install composer into your system. [Composer Guide Link] (https://duvien.com/blog/installing-composer-mac-osx).
- After Installing Composer, go to project directory and write the following commands by opening terminal into current direcotry.
sudo composer update
sudo composer install
After Successfull installation, write the following commands.
php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache
to run above commands php must be installed on your system.
Now you have to make a copy of .env.example to .env and fill the database credentials. after that generate your key, php artisan key:generate
run the following command now:
php artisan migrate
it will deploy the database schema.
- Now type:
php artisan serve
click the link that will show into the terminal, you all done.
Note: In Mac OS, it require additional permissions, if you get permission denied error, then type in terminal(in project directory).
sudo chmod -R 777 storage
##2.0 For windows
- Install Xammp Server.
- run xammp, start mysql and apache server
- 1.2 Go to browser to verify localhost. If its show something, we are done with the server setup.
- Go to its htdocs, clone the project from github.
- Install composer into your system.
- After Installing Composer, go to project directory and write the following commands by opening terminal into current direcotry.
composer update
composer install
After Successfull installation, write the following commands.
php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache
to run above commands php must be installed on your system.
Now you have to make a copy of .env.example to .env and fill the database credentials.
run the following command now:
php artisan migrate
it will deploy the database schema.
- Now type:
php artisan serve