A chain converter application for iOS.
Convert multiple curriency or weight units and the coolest part - chain them if required.
Chaining the conversions is useful when you travel to different countries.
Example, you are in India and you have prices per weight units, like ₹379/Kg
And when you travel to, say U.S.A, and get the price on products as $19.76/lb
, it might occur to mind as what is the equivalent price in Rupees per Kilogram
or any other currency and weight units.
Not any more. You can use this app as chain converter and simplify your life. Let the app do the hard part. We simply enjoy our shopping!
To run this project locally, you will need to get the framework from https://www.abbyy.com/en-eu/mobile-ocr/iphone-ocr/ and put this under libs/Abbyy.framework. It is exceeding the 100 MB file size limit on github so could not include that.