This package includes an implementation of the Upstash Redis Developer API.
- add it to your script file before using
using Nesco.Upstash.RedisDeveloper;
- This package requires an instance of IAuthUser interface for all calls.
IAuthUser authUser = new AuthUser(YOUR_EMAIL, YOUR_API_KEY);
Create a Redis Database
IUpstashRedisDeveloperService redisDeveloperService = new UpstashRedisDeveloperService();
INewRedisDatabaseRequest databaseRequest = new NewRedisDatabaseRequest(name:"test-db", Region.EU_WEST_1, tls:true);
RedisDatabase db = await redisDeveloperService.CreateDatabaseAsync(authUser, newRedisDatabaseRequest);
/* ===== db includes
* string? database_id
* string? database_name
* string? database_type
* string? region
* string? type
* int port
* int creation_time
* int budget
* string? state
* string? password
* string? user_email
* string? endpoint
* bool tls
* bool eviction
* bool auto_upgrade
* bool consistent
* int reserved_per_region_price
* string? modifying_state
* string? rest_token
* string? read_only_rest_token
Get detailed stats of a given database
IUpstashRedisDeveloperService redisDeveloperService = new UpstashRedisDeveloperService();
RedisDatabaseStats dbStats = await redisDeveloperService.GetDatabaseStatsAsync(authUser, db.database_id)
// Creates a new Redis database
RedisDatabase? CreateDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, INewRedisDatabaseRequest newRedisDatabaseRequest)
// creates a new Global Redis database
RedisDatabase? CreateGlobalDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, INewGlobalRedisDatabaseRequest newGlobalRedisDatabaseRequest)
// deletes a database
bool DeleteDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// deletes a database
void DeleteDatabase(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// list all databases of user
RedisDatabase[]? ListDatabasesAsync(IAuthUser authUser)
// gets details of a database
RedisDatabaseDetails? GetDatabaseDetailsAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id, bool hideCredentials)
// gets detailed stats of a database
RedisDatabaseStats? GetDatabaseStatsAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// Update the regions of global database
bool UpdateGlobalDatabaseRegionsAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id, string[] readRegions)
// Update the regions of global database
void UpdateGlobalDatabaseRegions(IAuthUser authUser, string id, string[] readRegions)
// updates the password of a database and returns database
RedisDatabase? ResetPasswordAndGetDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// updates the password of a database
bool ResetPasswordAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// updates the password of a database
void ResetPassword(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// renames a database and returns database
RedisDatabase? RenameAndGetDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id, string name)
// renames a database
bool RenameDatabaseAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id, string name)
// renames a database
void RenameDatabase(IAuthUser authUser, string id, string name)
// enables tls on a database
bool EnableTLSAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// enables tls on a database
void EnableTLS(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// enables eviction for given database
bool EnableEvictionAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// enables eviction for given database
void EnableEviction(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// disables eviction for given database
bool DisableEvictionAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// disables eviction for given database
void DisableEviction(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// enables Auto Upgrade for given database
bool EnableAutoUpgradeAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// enables Auto Upgrade for given database
void EnableAutoUpgrade(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// disables Auto Upgrade for given database
bool DisableAutoUpgradeAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// disables Auto Upgrade for given database
void DisableAutoUpgrade(IAuthUser authUser, string id)
// moves database under a target team
bool MoveToTeamAsync(IAuthUser authUser, string teamID, string databaseID)
// moves database under a target team
void MoveToTeam(IAuthUser authUser, string teamID, string databaseID)