A system designed for management of devices in NjtechTV
Version 0.7.202104
DEMO: https://tvsys.clax.xyz
Default admin account: 998856, password: 123456
Default normal user: 998855, password: 123456
@ntsw2001 https://github.com/ntsw2001
@NortheBei https://github.com/NortheBei
The project has two parts. First, the backend is based on Django with Django REST Framework. While the frontend is mainly based on Vue.js, along with Webpack.
├─ api
├─ app_basic
├─ app_database
├─ app_manage
├─ app_utils
├─ frontend
│ ├─ .babelrc
│ ├─ dist
│ ├─ Makefile
│ ├─ package-lock.json
│ ├─ package.json
│ ├─ postcss.config.js
│ ├─ src
│ ├─ webpack.config.js
│ └─ yarn.lock
├─ manage.py
├─ package-lock.json
├─ requirements.txt
└─ tvsys
- 'api' includes some functions for management.
- 'app_basic' includes basic functions.
- 'app_database' is designed for setting models.
- 'app_utils' includes some functions for authentication and others.
- 'frontend' is the main dir for the frontend.
- 'tvsys' is the main Diango booting dir.