- 🔭 I'am currently a full stack developer student.
- 🌱 I'am currently learning MongoDB.
- 💬 Ask me questions about CSS, HTML, TypeScript,JavaScript , Next.js and React.
- 📫 How to reach me **nurdoganbahadirr@gmail.com**
- 😄 Fun fact: I love Cars(🚗), Codeing(💻), Traveling(🌍).
Project Repo Link | Libraries and Technologies I use | Project Live Link |
TypeScript Stock App | TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Formik and Yup, Toast Notify, axios, react router dom, Persist | Live Link |
React Stock App | Redux Toolkit, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Formik and Yup, Toast Notify, axios, react router dom, Persist | Live Link |
TypeScript Todo App | TypeScript, Material UI, SweetAlert, axios, MockAPI | Live Link |
React Redux Toolkit | React, Material UI, Redux, API, react douter dom, axios | Live Link |
React Redux Shopping | React, Material UI, Redux, API, react douter dom | Live Link |
TNY Rent a Car App | React, TailwindCSS, Flowbite, Swiper, react-tostify, mockAPI, react douter dom | Live Link |
Ancient App | React, useState, useEffect, React Bootstrap | Live Link |
Portfolio | React, useState, useEffect, React Bootstrap, react router dom, SASS, react-icons | Live Link |
Shopping App | React, useState, useEffect, axios, React Bootstrap, async await, API, react router dom | Live Link |
Todo App | React, useState, useEffect, localestorrage, Bootstrap | Live Link |
Library App | React, useState, useEffect, axios, async await, Github User API, react-router-dom, react-bootsrap, styled-components, | Live Link |
Random User App | useState, useEffect, axios, async await, REST API | Live Link |
Rent a Car App | React, React DOM, Components, Props | Live Link |
Beşiktaş Team App | React, React Bootstrap, React DOM, Components, Props , | Live Link |