The purpose of this project is to explore the impact of a set of variables like horsepower, transmission configuration, engine cylinder configuration, etc. on mpg
(Miles per Gallon). In particular we have two objectives:---
- To find which one of Automatic or Manual Transmission is better for
. - To Quantify the
difference b/w auto and manual transmissions. - To come up with a model to predict the mileage of a given car.
- To find how a hundred pound increase in car's weight will change the fuel efficiency.
The folder named Code contains all the code. The file named Code_MarkdownFormat contains an older version in which only first two objectives were taken up. In the second file named new_reg_mod.Rmd contains code for all four objectives. This Rmd was converted to HTML and published on Rpubs. Here's the link for it: It is easier to read and contains all graphis which were made using ggplot, base graphics and gplots.