The problem is about how to know subordinates of a user, it is so interesting that I want to build a service in real life.
- docker
- node v10.16.3
- yarn v1.19.1
docker-compose up
Please check document in
You can create a new user or new role then do request get-subordinates
yarn test
You can change init data in init file
In the project, I will init with clean architect. Please find its reference at
Clean architect helps me focusing on delivering business use cases firstly and implement technical later. Our use cases will not depend on any libraries and frameworks. It is used only pure Programming Language ( I am choosing Javascript ), and an open interface for our Technical Provider can provide.
A simple way to write testing, we can do Acceptable Tests by write testing for use cases to make sure our application works well. Moreover, We do Unit Tests in our provider function without depending on other tiers.
Our app can be improved performance in the future. Because we implement technical provider lately so that means we can improve a technical provider by moving to a microservice or refactor our code performance without effect to our business use cases
My project structure includes 4 main paths: config, core, provider, const.
- config: keep all configuration for our project.
- core: keep requirement from business and writing without framework
- provider: provide technical solution for business
- const: include every enum helpful to make more clear
I translate the requirement to 2 entities and use cases around 2 entities.
Our main use cases is get-subordinates
The key of our pefomance is findSubOrdinates function of RoleModel.
async findSubOrdinatesV1(roleId) {
const self = this
let theLastSubs = []
const directSubs = await self._model.find({ parent: roleId })
const requestGet = []
for (let i = 0; i < directSubs.length; i += 1) {
const r = directSubs[i]
const childrenSubs = await Promise.all(requestGet)
for (let i = 0; i < childrenSubs.length; i += 1) {
const s = childrenSubs[i]
theLastSubs = theLastSubs.concat(s)
return theLastSubs
This is one of the pros of Clean Architect. We only take care of the technical aspect of improvement. Here, we improve findSubOrdinates function only.
The first solution is using recursion and making many requests, that can hit our stack overload and high request to our database. My solution to get all Roles from DB and storage as a tree. Let check the code
async findSubOrdinatesV2(roleId) {
const roles = await this._model.find({})
const roleTree = {}
for (let i = 0; i < roles.length; i += 1) {
const r = roles[i]
const { id, parent } = r
if (!roleTree[parent]) {
roleTree[parent] = { id: parent, children: [] }
if (!roleTree[id]) {
roleTree[id] = { id, parent, children: [] }
let ptrParent = roleTree[parent]
while (ptrParent) {
ptrParent = roleTree[ptrParent.parent]
return (roleTree[roleId] && roleTree[roleId].children) || []
The performance of the function in the worst case is O(n*log(n)), and n is not too big. It is hard to have a company with n > 100, so the function is quite fast.
Besides, we can improve its performance when needed by global caching or store data in roleTree data structure. But, it is over-engineering if our roles not big enough because we must make sure our data consistency by creating/updating a role.