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Storybook Demo


To install the package simply run:

npm i @nvytychakdev/ng-one-time-password --save

Add NgOneTimePasswordModule to your app:

import { NgOneTimePasswordModule } from 'ng-one-time-password';

  imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, NgOneTimePasswordModule],
export class AppModule {}


Now we can import our component into the template. As it has form control support, there are two options to do so.

Simple [(ngModel)] way:


Or use angular reactive form control API:



Name Type Required Default Description
length number false 6 Defines one time password length.
type OneTimePasswordType false 'text' Defines input type for the one time password.
inputClass string false '' Defines custom CSS class for all inputs.
wrapperClass string / string[] false '' Defines custom CSS class for inputs wrapper.
masked boolean false false Defines masked state of the password. Once true all inputs will be replaced with starts.
disabled boolean false false Defines disabled state of the inputs for OTP. Can be provided with form control API.
focusOnInit boolean false false Defines if OTP control should be focused on component init.