This is a simple Python wrapper implementation for most of BestBuy APIs. This was originally forked from an earlier version from lv10, but was later rewritten from scratch. This implementation aims to implement all of the public APIs from BestBuy, including the Products, Stores, Categories, Open Box, Recommendations and Smart Lists APIs.
The wrapper does not alter any of the values returned by the Best Buy APIs. The raw JSON data from Best Buy is converted into an object with attributes that can be used. This library merely simplifies the process of calling the API by handling query structure, GET requests and JSON parsing behind the scenes.
from bestbuy.apis import BestBuy
bb = BestBuy("YourSecretAPIKey")
bb.ProductAPI.search_by_sku(sku=9776457)"hard drive", onSale="true")
Visit Best Buy's Developer portal
Download from PyPi with pip3 install bestbuy
Returns a list of Product objects
search_by_description(description="hard drive")
search(searchTerm="tv", **kwargs)
Available kwargs: bestSellingRank, color,,, condition, customerReviewAverage, customerReviewCount, description, dollarSavings, freeShipping = true|false, inStoreAvailability = true|false, manufacturer, modelNumber, name, onlineAvailability = true|false, onSale = true|false, percentSavings, preowned = true|false, regularPrice, salePrice, shippingCost, sku, type, upc
Returns a list of Store objects
- search_by_postal_code(postal_code=30307, (Optional) distance, (Optional) store_services=[], (Optional) store_type=[])
- search_by_city(city="Atlanta", (Optional) store_services=[], (Optional) store_type=[])
- search_by_lat_long(lat=###, long=###, distance=###, (Optional) store_services=[], (Optional) store_type=[])
- search_by_store_id(store_id=###, (Optional) store_services=[], (Optional) store_type=[])
- search_by_region_state(region_state="Georgia", (Optional) store_services=[], (Optional) store_type=[])
Returns a list of Category objects
- search_all_categories()
- search_top_level_categories()
- search_by_category_name(category_name="TVs")
- search_by_category_id(category_id=1234)
Returns a list of Recommendation objects
- most_popular_by_category_id(category_id=1234)
- trending_by_category_id(category_id=1234)
Returns a list of OpenBox objects
- all_open_box_offers()
- open_box_offers_by_skus(skus=[])
- open_box_offers_by_category_id(category_id=1234)