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nworbnhoj edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

Design Intent

The quiz page is designed as a barrier for automated bots and AI systems masquerading as Players.

It was decided not to deploy the ubiquitous Google captcha for this task - so as not to burden the user with the associated tracking.

The QuizPage design uses a variety of visual attributes (color, borders and pointers) which are relatively obvious to a human Player and difficult for a automated system to discern.

The Player is presented with a puzzle such as 5+7=? and there are a number of visual hints and visual distractions to make the task more or less challenging. So, for example, the 5+7 might be presented in round ◯ buttons, with all others in square ☐ buttons. An additional hint might be provided such as a red border for the 5+7 buttons, and grey borders for all other buttons. These hints make the puzzle more obvious - but distractions such as random font or border colors can make it more difficult. So the human difficulty of the quiz can be readily adjusted by changing the number of hints and distractions.

If the Player fails the first quiz, then another quiz is presented, along with a running score-card below the quiz panel. The Player must pass more quiz than they fail overall to be recognised as human. This progression makes it difficult for a bot to learn how to pass the quiz by brute force.

The Player can choose to skip a difficult quiz with no penalty.

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