Hi there! 👋 I'm Nyior Clement 😃
A Developer Advocate at CloudAMQP, one of the world's largest RabbitMQ cloud hosting provider.
When I'm not creating content around RabbitMQ or LavinMQ you'd probably find me reading, writing or playing the badminton. Right now, I'm:
- 🛠 Helping Django Developers rapidly build REST APIs with the DR-CLI tool.
- ✨ Building a community of Junior to Mid-level Software Engineers & Designers at py-universe
- 📚 Reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.
I have write-ups all over the web, but you can start from here:
- Freecodecamp
- Dev.to : Most of the blogs here were written when I was still young and naive. I mostly just naive now :-)