Flask-Nav is a Flask-Extension to ease the creation of navigational Elements in Applications. It provides means to Express the Navigational structure and different ways to render these, making it easy to custom tailor it for your application.
A motivating example:
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_nav import Nav
from flask_nav.elements import *
nav = Nav()
# registers the "top" menubar
nav.register_element('top', Navbar(
View('Widgits, Inc.', 'index'),
View('Our Mission', 'about'),
View('Wg240-Series', 'products', product='wg240'),
View('Wg250-Series', 'products', product='wg250'),
Label('Discontinued Products'),
View('Wg10X', 'products', product='wg10x'),
Link('Tech Support', href='http://techsupport.invalid/widgits_inc'),
app = Flask(__name__)
# [...] (view definitions)
You can find a small, runnable example application inside the example
folder. To run it, install Flask-Appconfig and execute:
$ flaskdev example
The full documentation can be found on PyPI.