This repository is part of lab for the NYU DevOps class for Spring 2018, CSCI-GA.3033-013. It will show you how to implement simple API key based security using Python / Flask
Here are the key functions which can be found in
that make it all work:
This is the main wrapper. All work is done in this decorator function @requires_apikey
which can be placed before any route that you want to secure by requireing an api key be passed in the headers.
def requires_apikey(f):
""" Decorator function to require API Key """
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
""" Decorator function that does the checking """
if check_auth():
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
This the code that looks for the existence of the API key in the header X-Api-Key
and checks if it matches the API key in the application configuration. You can make this as elaborate as you'd like placing the API keys in a database and doing a lookup to determine if it's a key that you recognise and is valid.
def check_auth():
""" Checks the environment that the API_KEY has been set """
if app.config['API_KEY']:
return app.config['API_KEY'] == request.headers.get('X-Api-Key')
return False
This is actually an error handler for the 401
error. Since this is a microservice that communicates via json
we want to be sure to send back a json
formatted error message to the cloent and not html
def not_authorized(e):
""" Respose sent back when not autorized """
return jsonify(status=401, error='Not Authorized',
message='You are authorized to access the URL requested.'), 401
With these three functions you can protect any API call by requiring that a secret API key be present in the header of the call.
The test cases can be found in
. There is a helper function called generate_apikey()
that generates a random API key. This is used to generate a key for testing so that the test clients can talk to the test server.
To run the tests.