A full stack web an application that allows the user to track their favorite things.
- Frontend Repo: Click here
- Django API Hosted on AWS Fargate:
1. Features
2. Technologies
3. Entity relationship diagram
4. Installation and Setup
5. Suggested improvement
6. Documentation
7. Deployment
8. How To Contribute
- Create a Category for saving favourite things
- Edit a category
- Delete a category (Soft-delete)
- View a list of categories and the count of favourites under each
- Add favourite things under a category
- Add metadata to a favourite thing
- Remove metadata from a favourite thing
- Edit an existing Favourite thing
- Delete a favourite thing (Soft-delete)
- View list of favourite things under a category
- View list of metadata under a Favourite thing
- View Audit-logs for mutations (create, update, delete) to a Favourite thing
- Veiw Audit-logs for mutations (create, update, delete) to a Category
- Search for Favourite things under a selected Category
1. Python 3.7
2. Django and Django REST Framework
3. Postgres database
4. pylint, pep8 and yapf for linting
5. coverage and coveralls for reporting test coverage
5. Postman for testing API endpoints and documentation
1. Install Python 3.7, pipenv and Postgres SQL
2. Clone this repo: "git clone https://github.com/nzediegwu1/favorite-things.git"
3. Create virtual environment: `pipenv shell`
4. Run `pipenv install` to install dependencies
5. Create a Postgresql database
6. Create a ".env" file and enter database credentials using sample file: `.env.sample` in the root directory.
7. Run migrations: `python manage.py migrate`
8. Start the application: `python manage.py runserver`
9. Run tests: `python manage.py test`
Go to http://localhost:7000 on your browser to view app
- The API was documented using postman: Online Documentation
This is done using AWS Fargate, with the following steps:
- Build docker image:
docker build -t favourite-things --build-arg SECRET_KEY=<SECRET_KEY> --build-arg DB_USER=<DB_USER> --build-arg DB_PASS=<DB_PASS> --build-arg POSTGRES_DB=<POSTGRES_DB> --build-arg DB_HOST=<DB_HOST> .
- Run docker image:
docker run -p 7000:7000 -t favourite-things:latest
- Go to
on your machine to confirm that docker app is running - Create AWS container registry:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name favourite-things --region us-east-1
- Change your docker image tag to use your registry name as keyword
- Push docker image to your new AWS container registry
- Create your fargate application in AWS dashboard/console
- View running application using Public_IP generated in your AWS console as follows:
GET <Public_IP>:7000/categories
- Implement recycle bin for deleted favourites/categories
- Implement functionality to restore deleted favourites/categories from recycle bin
- Implement pagination when retrieving favorites
- Integrate elastic search in backend and refactor implemented search functionality correspondingly
- Implement logging for keeping track of, and easier debugging of production issues when they occur
To contribute to the project, follow the instructions below
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that I can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!
- This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Copyright © 2019 Anaeze Nsoffor