The purpose of this project is to perform the A* Search Algorithm on
a 20x20 grid that the user can customize the start and end positions with, along with any barriers. This implementation
uses the Manhattan Distance for determining cell H scores.
This entire project could've been done in Javascript, but I wanted the additional challenge of getting two separate
languages to work together, and specifically play around with a messaging queue (RabbitMQ).
- Javascript/Node: The simple front end of the site is made with HTML/CSS/Javascript. The front end makes a request to the back-end through a REST API, which then starts a Java app through command-line. Node then retrieves the result from RabbitMQ and updates the front-end.
- Java: Java does the actual work of the path-finding algorithm and sends the result to RabbitMQ.
Simply clone this repo and:
$ docker-compose up
- Please wait 5-10 seconds after the Docker containers start (not just build) before accessing the site.
- Access site at localhost.