This GitHub public repository ( ) was created at the request of the Open Command and Control (OpenC2) Technical Committee as an OASIS TC Open Repository to support development of open source resources related to Technical Committee's work.
While this TC Open Repository remains associated with the sponsor TC, its development priorities, leadership, intellectual property terms, participation rules, and other matters of governance are separate and distinct from the OASIS TC Process and related policies.
All contributions made to this TC Open Repository are subject to open source license terms expressed in the Apache License v2.0. That license was selected as the declared Applicable License when the TC Open Repository was created.
As documented in [Public Participation Invited](, contributions to this OASIS TC Open Repository are invited from all parties, whether affiliated with OASIS or not. Participants must have a GitHub account, but no fees or OASIS membership obligations are required. Participation is expected to be consistent with the OASIS TC Open Repository Guidelines and Procedures, the open source LICENSE designated for this particular repository, and the requirement for an Individual Contributor License Agreement that governs intellectual property.
The Statement of Purpose for this OASIS TC Open Repository openc2-custom-aps as approved by the TC:
OpenC2 allows for actuator profiles other than those that are OASIS specifications. It allows for "extensions" by vendors or users. This repository enables interested parties to work collaboratively on Custom Actuator Profiles (CAP).
The qualifier "custom" is used to distinguish between actuator profiles being drafted as OASIS Specifications and those "custom" profiles being developed as extensions to a specification (e.g., providing vendor-specific or user-specific options) or to support a particular technology that does not yet have a specification.
The creation of OpenC2 actuator profile specifications is not necessarily a goal for this openc2-custom-aps repository, but the custom profiles in the repository may serve to inform the actuator profile subcommittee.
TC Open Repository Maintainers are responsible for oversight of this project's community development activities, including evaluation of GitHub pull requests and preserving open source principles of openness and fairness.
Current Maintainers of this TC Open Repository are:
David Kemp,, National Security Agency
Alex Everett,, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Questions or comments about this TC Open Repository's activities should be composed as GitHub issues or comments. If use of an issue/comment is not possible or appropriate, questions may be directed by email to the Maintainer(s) listed above. Please send general questions about TC Open Repository participation to OASIS Staff at and any specific CLA-related questions to