instadiff-cli - a command line tool for managing instagram account followers and followings
instadiff-cli help
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instadiff-cli - a command line tool for managing instagram account followers and followings
instadiff-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
| app_name: instadiff-cli |
| version: v1.6.3 |
| go_version: go1.18.3 |
| commit: 5364e5d3ac3a6178d5d841b6bcefaf714ab02b20 |
| short_commit: 5364e5d3 |
| build_date: 2022-06-29T20:51:47Z |
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Oleg Balunenko <>
list-followers, followers List your followers
list-followings, followings List your followings
clean-followings, clean, unfollow-unmutual, remove-unmutual, rm-unmutual Un follow not mutual followings, except of whitelisted
remove-followers, rm, remove Remove a list of followers, by username.
unfollow-users, unfollow, remove-followings Unfollow a list of followings, by username.
follow-users, follow, add-followings Follow a list of followings, by username.
list-unmutual, unmutual List all not mutual followings
list-useless, useless, bots List all statistic-useless accounts (bots, business accounts or mass-followers) (alpha)
list-diff, diff List diff for account (lost and new followers and followings)
diff-history, history List diff account history (lost and new followers and followings)
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--config_path value Path to the config file (default: ".config.json")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--incognito Incognito removes session on application exit. (default: false)
--log_level value Level of output logs (default: "INFO")
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
To get help for any supported command:
instadiff-cli help [command]
Example of config file:
"instagram": {
"whitelist": [
"limits": {
"unfollow": 100
"sleep": 7
"storage": {
"local": false,
"mongo": {
"url": "mongodb://",
"db": "testing"
- instagram: it is a config for instagram
- whitelist: list of followings that will be not unfollowed even if they are not mutual (usernames and ID's supported both).
- limits: limits per one run.
- unfollow: number of users that could be unfollowed in one run (be careful with big number - account could be banned)
- sleep: sleep interval in seconds between each unfollow request to prevent account ban for ddos reason.
- storage: it's a config for database storage.
- local: if true, memory cache will be used and connection to mongo will be not set.
- mongo: is a config for mongo database
- url: url of mongo DB to connect
- db: name of Database
Create a json file with configuration and pass the path to it via flag --config_path
instadiff-cli --config_path ".config.json" [command]
To start developing - create the fork of repository, make changes and open PR to the origin.
Run make build
command in the root of repository to compile the binary and test locally changes.
Run make test
command in the root of repository to execute unit tests.