// 2020-08-31: Merged PR from "bonashen" https://github.com/bonashen, adding example code for using options // 2019-10-02: Reverting back to python2 due to errors, no time for fixing these // 2019-09-02: Build using v0.12.5-1 from DEB-package, updated to Ubuntu 18.04, updated to python3 due to end-of-support python2 // 2018-03-08: Build using v0.12.4 from binary instead of 0.12.2 using apt-get // 2018-04-16: Moved to https://hub.docker.com/r/oberonamsterdam/wkhtmltopdf/, adding github repo for Dockerfile
Based on https://hub.docker.com/r/openlabs/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas/
- Using Ubuntu 18.04 instead of 14.04
- Adding XVFB/libfontconfig to correctly render external fonts
- Updated WKHTMLTOPDF to 0.12.5-1
- Updated to Python3
This will create a service on port (only advised for testing-purpose)
docker run -d -p <port>:80 oberonamsterdam/wkhtmltopdf
On production it's advised to run container as a service and expose to your own containers only.
There are multiple ways to generate a PDF of HTML using the service: uploading a HTML file
This is a convenient way to use the service from command line utilities like curl.
curl -X POST -vv -F 'file=@path/to/local/file.html' http://<docker-host>:<port>/ -o path/to/output/file.pdf
docker-host is the hostname or address of the docker host running the container
port is the public port to which the container is bound to.
'margin-top' => '25',
'margin-left' => '25',
'margin-right' => '25',
'margin-bottom' => '25',
'page-size' => 'A4',
'footer-spacing' => '5',
'footer-font-size' => 6,
'footer-right' => 'Page [page] of [topage]',
$html = file_gets_content('test.html');
$data = json_encode([
'contents' => base64_encode($html),
'options' => $options,
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
CURLOPT_URL => 'http://<docker-host>:<port>',
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ['Content-Type: application/json'],
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$result will contain the binary PDF output.
- Use absolute URLs to your images and make sure these URLs are accessible for the wkhtmltopdf-container
- Mount your files into the wkhtmltopdf-container and use local images: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16627310/wkhtmltopdf-not-loading-local-css-and-images