This repository contains every piece of code related to our final thesis at the Colégio Técnico de Campinas - Unicamp, entitled Pandemica: Agent-Based Pandemic Simulation for Optimal Public Health Crisis Management Using Adaptive Demographic Modeling with AI.
The goal of Pandemica is:
Create an effective pandemic simulation model that is capable of minimizing the impact of possible
future pandemics by creating different scenarios that act as awareness raisers for competent entities
and for the population to act preventively in the midst of a potential pandemic.
To achieve the objective, the project was divided into three large parts: the simulation of individuals, the city and the spread of the virus. Below is a diagram simplifying the execution of the program, for more information on technical and methodological details see the White Paper.
git clone
cd pandemica
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd model
pnpm i
pnpm build
pnpm start