Comprehensive notes, implementations, and challenges from Colt Steele's renowned "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass" on Udemy.
- Lecture Notes: Detailed insights from each lecture covering JavaScript fundamentals, algorithms, and data structures.
- Algorithm Implementations: Practical coding implementations of key algorithms discussed in the masterclass.
- Data Structures: Examples and implementations of fundamental data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, and more.
- Challenges and Exercises: Solutions to coding challenges and exercises provided in the course.
- Instructor: Colt Steele
- Platform: Udemy
- Duration: 21.5 hours on-demand video
- Big O Notation
- Analyzing Performance of Arrays and Objects
- Problem Solving Approach
- Problem Solving Patterns
- Recursion
- Searching Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms a. Bubble Sort b. Selection Sort c. Insertion Sort d. Merge Sort e. Quick Sort f. Radix Sort
- Intro to Data Structures
- Singly Linked Lists
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Stacks & Queues
- Trees and Binary Search Trees
- Tree Traversal
- Binary Heaps
- Graphs
- Graph Traversal
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Dynamic Programming
- The Wild West- Coding Challenges
Explore the contents, review lecture notes, and delve into code implementations to reinforce your understanding of JavaScript algorithms and data structures.
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JavaScript, Algorithms, Data Structures, Colt Steele, Udemy, Coding Challenges, Online Course, Learning Resources, Open Source
Special thanks to Colt Steele for creating this insightful masterclass on JavaScript algorithms and data structures.
For educational purposes only. Refer to the original course materials for the most accurate information.
Happy coding!