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Configuraton script for Windows

What does it do

  • Downloads the script to the directory the command is being run from

  • Determines the latest version of osquery, fluentbit and telegraf

  • Downloads configuration files from this git repository

  • Installs osquery, fluentbit and telegraf

  • Subsitutes values for data center, hostname, customer id, data ingest token and observe endpoint in configuration files

  • Gets confirmation for overwriting pre-existing configs

  • Outputs status of services

Steps to configure

  1. Login to machine via RDP

  2. Script flags

    • -customer_id = your observe customer id - REQUIRED
    • -ingest_token = your data stream ingest token from ui - REQUIRED
    • -observe_host_name = host endpoint used in config files - OPTIONAL - defaults to <<customer_id>>
    • -config_files_clean = TRUE/FALSE whether to delete directory created for downloading config files - OPTIONAL - defaults to FALSE
    • -ec2metadata = TRUE/FALSE whether to add ec2 filter section to fluent-bit.conf file - OPTIONAL - defaults to FALSE
          Name aws
          Match *
          imds_version v1
          az true
          ec2_instance_id true
          ec2_instance_type true
          account_id true
          hostname true
          vpc_id true
    • -datacenter = value to use for datacenter in fluent-bit.conf and telegraf.conf files - OPTIONAL - defaults to AWS
    • -appgroup = value to use for appgroup record in fluent-bit.conf file - OPTIONAL - defaults to null
    • -local = TRUE/FLASE on whether or not use to local config files instead of the default config files - OPTIONAL - default to FALSE
    • -force = TRUE/FALSE on whether or not overwrite agent config files without confirmation (true will overwrite) - OPTION - default to FALSE
    • -osquery_version = value for which osquery version to install (defaults to "5.8.2")
    • -telegraf_version = value for which telegraf version to install (defaults to "1.26.0")
    • -fluentbit_version = value for which fluent-bit version to install (defaults to "2.1.10")
    • -service_restart_delay = delay in milliseconds for restarting failed service (defaults to 5000)
    • -service_max_restarts = max number of attempts to restart failed services (defaults to 5)
  3. Run following script

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Ssl3"; Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -outfile .\agents.ps1; .\agents.ps1  -ingest_token <<ingest_token>> -customer_id <<customer_id>> -observe_host_name <<observe_host_name>>

Using Local Configs

If you would like to use a custom config instead of the default configs, you can use the -local flag and set it to TRUE. If you do this, the script will look in the directory it is being run from for the files `o

Uninstalling the Configuration

To uninstall the configuration and remove the installed services, follow these steps:

  1. Run the uninstall script by using the following command:

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Ssl3"
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -outfile .\uninstall.ps1

This script will remove the osquery, fluent-bit, and telegraf services and their associated configuration files. If you would like to remove the services without confirming, you can add the -ForceRemove flag and all services and agents will be removed.

After running the uninstall script, you may need to manually remove any leftover directories. The following directories may need to be manually removed:

C:\Program Files\osquery C:\Program Files\fluent-bit C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf

All config files get backed up to C:\temp\observe\. Please ensure you have administrative privileges when running both the configuration and uninstallation scripts.