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Configuration files required to deploy the OCARIoT platform in production using Docker Swarm.


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Docker Swarm - OCARIoT Production Deployment

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Repository with configuration files required for OCARIoT platform deployment in production environment using Docker Swarm. A brief documentation on configuring client certificates on the OCARIoT platform is also available on the project Wiki.

Main Features:

  • Simplified and automated startup through scripts.

  • Vault:

    • Automatic startup and unlocking;
    • Creation of access tokens for internal services and creation of encryption keys;
    • Enable plugins for PSMDB, RabbitMQ and Certificates management.
  • PSMDB (MongoDB containers):

    • Automatic communication with Vault to recover encryption keys, user and certificates;
    • Encryption at rest enabled;
    • SSL/TLS enabled;
    • Authentication enabled.
  • RabbitMQ (Message Bus):

    • Automatic communication with Vault to recover user and certificates;
    • SSL/TLS enabled;
    • Authentication enabled.
  • Microservices:

    • Automatic communication with Vault to retrieve databases access credentials and RabbitMQ, as well as certificates;
    • SSL/TLS enabled.


  1. Linux (Ubuntu 16.04+ recommended)
  2. Docker Engine 18.06.0+
  3. Docker Compose 1.22.0+
  4. Make sure that Swarm is enabled by typing docker system info, and looking for a message Swarm: active (you might have to scroll up a little).
    • If Swarm isn’t running, simply type docker swarm init at a shell prompt to set it up.
  5. Valid SSL/TLS certificates issued by a valid certification authority (CA). You can get certified for your domain for free through Let’s Encrypt.
  6. Ensure that the secure_path variable in the /etc/sudoers file contains the path /usr/local/bin.
  7. Ensure that the editor command is configured with the standard editor used on the terminal. If not, add the editors used. Example, adding the nano editor: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/nano 100.
    • To choose the default editor use the command: sudo update-alternatives --config editor

1. Instalation

All software installation is performed using the following command:

curl -o- | sudo bash
wget -qO- | sudo bash

After the execution of this script has finished, the message ****OCARIoT Project was installed with success!**** will be displayed, thus demonstrating that the software installation was successful. Otherwise, the message to be displayed will be OCARIoT Project wasn't installed with success!.

If script execution is successful, the ocariot command will be recognized by bash:

📌 Note: The directory adopted for installing the software is a location that requires sudo privileges, therefore, for the execution of the ocariot command, the sudo prefix will always be necessary. For example: sudo ocariot stack start.

2. Ocariot services stack

2.1 Set the environment variables

To ensure flexibility and increase the security of the platform, the OCARIoT services receive some parameters through environment variables, e.g. IPs, credentials (username and password), etc.

There are two ways to edit these environment variables. The first is during the first startup (sudo ocariot stack start), where the file containing these variables will be opened automatically with the standard editor. After making the necessary settings and saving the file, initialization will continue.

On future start-ups, the settings file will not be opened automatically. Consequently, the second way aims to make subsequent editions possible, for which the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot stack edit-config

2.1.1 External Service URL

Variables to define the URL of services to be exposed, such as Vault and RabbitMQ Management. This is useful for viewing data saved in Vault and managing the Message Bus.

Variable Description Example
VAULT_HOSTNAME Vault HashiCorp hostname.
RABBIT_MGT_HOSTNAME RabbitMQ Management hostname.
MONITOR_HOSTNAME Monitor/Grafana hostname.

2.1.2 External Service Ports

Variables to define the ports of services to be exposed, such as API Gateway, Vault, and RabbitMQ Management.

Variable Description Example
AG_PORT_HTTP Port used by the API Gateway service to listen for HTTP request. Automatically redirects to HTTPS port. 80
AG_PORT_HTTPS Port used by the API Gateway service to listen for HTTPS request. 443

2.1.3 Certificates/keys

Variables to define the ports of services to be exposed, such as API Gateway, Vault, and RabbitMQ Management.

Variable Description Example
AG_KEY_PATH API Gateway private key. mycerts/privkey.pem
AG_CERT_PATH API Gateway domain certificate/public key. mycerts/fullchain.pem

2.1.4 Data Sync Setup

Variables used by the Data Sync Agent microservice, responsible for data synchronization between Fitbit and OCARIoT platforms. This information is provided by Fitbit when registering an OAuth2 client. Please, contact the partner responsible for microservice development to obtain the values for each variable.

Variable Description Example
FITBIT_CLIENT_ID Client Id for Fitbit Application resposible to manage user data. This information is later shared through the REST API to the android application (DA App). 11ABWZ
FITBIT_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret for Fitbit Application resposible to manage user data. This information is later shared through the REST API to the android application (DA App). 1234ab56cd789123wzd123a
EXPRESSION_AUTO_SYNC Frequency time that the application will sync the users data in background according to the crontab expression. For example, the value 0 * * * * means that synchronization will occur every hour. "0 * * * *"

2.1.5 DT Process Setup

Variables to define the user's credentials for DT Process service.

Variable Description Example
DT_API_DATA_USERNAME Username of DT Process API data. dt_user
DT_API_DATA_PASSWORD Password of DT Process API data. dt_secret

2.1.6 Authorization/Authentication Setup

Variables to define the administrator user's credentials the first time the platform is instantiated.

Variable Description Example
ADMIN_USERNAME Username of the default admin user created automatically at the first time the OCARIoT platform is instantiated. admin
ADMIN_PASSWORD Password of the default admin user created automatically at the first time the OCARIoT platform is instatiated. admin

2.1.7 Data Backup Setup

Variables responsible for defining backup settings. The variables with prefix CLOUD are commented out by default, to activate them uncommented and set their respective value based on the values provided by the cloud service that you want to perform the backups and restores. The supported cloud storage services are Google Drive and AWS S3.

In order for backup and restore operations to be successful, credentials must be granted permissions to manipulate the cloud storage location:

  • Google Drive When performing the first backup, a link will be provided that redirects the browser to a user's authentication screen at Google, thus granting permission to manipulate Google Drive. In future backup or restore operations, authentication is not required unless the ocariot-credentials-data volume is removed.

  • AWS S3 To use the backup or restore operations, it is necessary to associate the following policy with the created user:

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

⚠️ Note: Replace BUCKET_NAME with your bucket name!

Variable Description Example
LOCAL_TARGET Defined the path where the generated backup will be stored locally. /path/to/backup
CLOUD_TARGET Define a URL and the path where the backup will be stored in the Google Drive or AWS S3 cloud. s3://s3.<bucket-region><bucket-name>[/<path>]
CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID Client Id for access Google Driver or AWS S3 service responsible to store backup data. AKIAYXGARMBIICAV23FE
CLOUD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Client Secret for access Google Driver or S3 service responsible to store backup data. J/YXk2xMaJQugb+vYm+c/TbTz+LpMnkxucdfv/Rh
RESTORE_TARGET Define the target used to restore the backup. example value: LOCAL, GOOGLE_DRIVE, AWS. AWS
BACKUP_DATA_RETENTION Time the data backup will remain stored. Default value (15 days): 15D. 15D

2.1.8 Versions of Infrastructure Services

Variable Description Example
VAULT_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 1.5.4
CONSUL_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 1.8.4
PERCONA_MONGO_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 4.2
PERCONA_MYSQL_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 8.0
RABBIT_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 2.0.0
REDIS_VERSION Tag referring to the version of the image provided by the Docker Hub. Repository: 6.0.8

2.2 Building and Deploying the containers

2.2.1 Start containers

To execute all the necessary commands to lift the entire stack of containers use the following interface:

$ sudo ocariot stack start

Lifting all containers may take a few seconds or a few minutes. When the entire stack has been successfully initialized, you will see the OCARIoT logo followed by the following message on the terminal: Stack initialized successfully!!! :)

⚠️ During the first boot, the encryption keys and root access token will be generated. This content will be made available in the keys file, which will be generated at the place of execution of the command currently described. This file is of fundamental importance for the restoration of backups.

⚠️ It is also noteworthy that these keys must be kept in an offline environment, considering that the leakage of such keys will result in an environment of high vulnerability.

2.2.2 Stop containers

To stop the stack, you can run the stop interface . This will cause all containers to be stopped. The volumes will remain intact.

$ sudo ocariot stack stop

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services to be stopped. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot stack stop --services account iot-tracking;
  • --clear-volumes - Argument used to remove all volumes. However, be careful as the process is irreversible.

2.2.3 Backup

To perform the backup generation of all volumes used by the OCARIoT platform, the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot stack backup

📌 Note: If they are running, the services that will participate in the backup operation will be temporarily stopped. At the end of the backup operation, all services that were active will be restarted automatically.

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services from which you want to generate the backup. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot stack backup --services account iot-tracking;
  • --expression <values> - Parameter used to define a crontab expression that will schedule the generation of a backup. The value of this option must be passed in double quotes. Example: sudo ocariot stack backup --expression "0 3 * * *";

2.2.4 Restore

In order to restore all backups of the volumes present in the current path, the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot stack restore

📌 Note: If they are running, the services that will participate in the restore operation will be temporarily stopped. At the end of the restore operation, all services that were active will be restarted automatically.

Optional parameters:

  • --keys - Specifies the location of the file containing the encryption keys and root token used by the vault. This file was generated at the first start of the OCARIoT stack using the command sudo ocariot stack start. To restore only the cryptographic keys, the backup path must not have any backup files;
  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services that will have their volumes restored. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot stack restore --services account iot-tracking;
  • --time - You can restore from a particular backup by adding a time parameter to the command restore. For example, using restore --time 3D at the end in the above command will restore a backup from 3 days ago. See the Duplicity manual to view the accepted time formats.

2.2.5 Plataform Images Update

Interface used to update the docker images used by the OCARIoT microservices.

$ sudo ocariot stack update-images

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of images of the services to be updated. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot stack update-images --services account iot-tracking.

3. Health monitor services stack

3.1 Set the environment variables

To ensure flexibility, the Health monitor services receive some parameters through environment variables, e.g. SMTP configurations, credentials (username and password), etc.

There are two ways to edit these environment variables. The first is during the first startup (sudo ocariot monitor start), where the file containing these variables will be opened automatically with the standard editor. After making the necessary settings and saving the file, initialization will continue.

On future start-ups, the settings file will not be opened automatically. Consequently, the second way aims to make subsequent editions possible, for which the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot monitor edit-config

3.1.1 Authorization/Authentication Setup

Variables to define the administrator user's credentials the first time the Grafana is instantiated.

Variable Description Example
ADMIN_USERNAME Username of the default admin user created automatically at the first time the Grafana is instantiated. admin
ADMIN_PASSWORD Password of the default admin user created automatically at the first time the Grafana is instantiated. admin

3.1.2 SMTP Setup

Variable Description Example
GF_SMTP_ENABLED Enable SMTP server settings. false
GF_SMTP_HOST Host where the SMTP server is allocated.
GF_SMTP_USER Registered email on the SMTP server. It will be used to send emals when an alarm is detected.
GF_SMTP_PASSWORD Password for the email registered on the SMTP server. secret

3.1.3 Storage Data

Variable Description Example
DATA_RETENTION Time the data remained stored in database. 15d - corresponds to 15 days

3.1.4 Data Backup Setup

Variables responsible for defining backup settings. The variables with prefix CLOUD are commented out by default, to activate them uncommented and set their respective value based on the values provided by the cloud service that you want to perform the backups and restores. The supported cloud storage services are Google Drive and AWS S3.

In order for backup and restore operations to be successful, credentials must be granted permissions to manipulate the cloud storage location:

  • Google Drive When performing the first backup, a link will be provided that redirects the browser to a user's authentication screen at Google, thus granting permission to manipulate Google Drive. In future backup or restore operations, authentication is not required unless the ocariot-monitor-credentials-data volume is removed.

  • AWS S3 To use the backup or restore operations, it is necessary to associate the following policy with the created user:

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

⚠️ Note: Replace BUCKET_NAME with your bucket name!

Variable Description Example
LOCAL_TARGET Defined the path where the generated backup will be stored locally. /path/to/backup
CLOUD_TARGET Define a URL and the path where the backup will be stored in the Google Drive or AWS S3 cloud. s3://s3.<bucket-region><bucket-name>[/<path>]
CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID Client Id for access Google Driver or AWS S3 service responsible to store backup data. AKIAYXGARMBIICAV23FE
CLOUD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Client Secret for access Google Driver or S3 service responsible to store backup data. J/YXk2xMaJQugb+vYm+c/TbTz+LpMnkxucdfv/Rh
RESTORE_TARGET Define the target used to restore the backup. example value: LOCAL, GOOGLE_DRIVE, AWS. AWS
BACKUP_DATA_RETENTION Time the data backup will remain stored. Default value (15 days): 15D. 15D

3.2 Building and Deploying the containers

3.2.1 Start containers

To execute all the necessary commands to lift the entire stack of containers use the following interface:

$ sudo ocariot monitor start

Lifting all containers may take a few seconds or a few minutes.

3.2.2 Stop containers

To stop the stack, you can run the stop interface . This will cause all containers to be stopped. The volumes will remain intact.

$ sudo ocariot monitor stop

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services to be stopped. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot monitor stop --services grafana prometheus;
  • --clear-volumes - Argument used to remove all volumes. However, be careful as the process is irreversible.

3.2.3 Backup

To perform the backup generation of all volumes used by the OCARIoT platform, the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot monitor backup

📌 Note: If they are running, the services that will participate in the backup operation will be temporarily stopped. At the end of the backup operation, all services that were active will be restarted automatically.

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services from which you want to generate the backup. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot monitor backup --services grafana prometheus;
  • --expression <values> - Parameter used to define a crontab expression that will schedule the generation of a backup. The value of this option must be passed in double quotes. Example: sudo ocariot monitor backup --expression "0 3 * * *";

3.2.4 Restore

In order to restore all backups of the volumes present in the current path, the following interface is reserved:

$ sudo ocariot monitor restore

📌 Note: If they are running, the services that will participate in the restore operation will be temporarily stopped. At the end of the restore operation, all services that were active will be restarted automatically.

Optional parameters:

  • --services <values> - Defines a set of services that will have their volumes restored. The delimiter for specifying one more service is space. For example: sudo ocariot monitor restore --services grafana prometheus;
  • --time - You can restore from a particular backup by adding a time parameter to the command restore. For example, using restore --time 3D at the end in the above command will restore a backup from 3 days ago. See the Duplicity manual to view the accepted time formats.

4. Update Software

Command used to update the OCARIoT software interfaces. It will be updated to the latest release.

$ sudo ocariot update

Optional parameters:

  • --version - Defines the version to which you want to migrate the software. For example: sudo ocariot update --version 1.3.3;

5. Uninstall

Interface used to uninstall the OCARIoT platform, this includes removing pre-scheduled backups. Running services will be stopped.

$ sudo ocariot uninstall

Optional parameters:

  • --clear-volumes - Argument used to remove all volumes. However, be careful as the process is irreversible.

6. Version

Command used to view the current version of the installed OCARIoT software.

$ sudo ocariot version

Future Features

  • Log Manager;
  • Multiple replicas for important nodes.