Ocopea is a Cloud Foundry extension allowing developers to take application copies of their deployments.
The initial data service and copy service broker components are targetting Pivotal Cloud Foundry implementation, but can be easily extended to other Cloud Foundry implementations by minor tweaks.
Ocopea Cloud Foundry (CF) extension simplifies the development process of complex multi-microservice apps in multi-site multi-space environments. Untangling the complexity of orchestrating the restoration of production copies for debugging and automated tests are two of the most common tasks our rich API and UI offers.
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- mvn : 3.2.5 or greater
- jdk : 1.8 or greater
- Dependencies listed in master POM have been built and exist either in artifactory or local maven repository
Once the pre-requisites have been met, simply run the following command:
mvn clean install
This will build the artifacts after validating all checks including unit tests and place it in the deployer/target
- cf cli is installed. We have tested it with version cf version 6.35.0+5c7de3e32.2018-03-08. Note that with updates to cf cli, if its output changes the deployment script might fail if dependencies are not met.
- Ensure a Postgres service exists in the selected space. Run
Here is a sample output:
cf s
name service plan bound apps last operation postgres user-provided
- Ensure the following java buildpack is available in your pcf deployment:
cf create-buildpack java_buildpack_offline https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack/releases/download/v3.10/java-buildpack-offline-v3.10.zip 1 --enable
If you don't want to push and host the above buildpack in your PCF, modify the JAVA_BUILDPACK variable deploy.sh mentioned in the next section with the git URL. For more detail refer to cloud foundary docs on how to push apps with custom buildpacks.
Build the project.
Issue "cf login" and select the space that Ocopea will deploy to.
From the deployer/target/classes folder, execute deploy.sh script:
cd deployer/target/classes ./deploy.sh
If you want to tag the deployment with an identifier, pass it as an argument:
./deploy.sh <identifier>
By default the username is used as an identifier to tag the deployment.
Note: You may need to change the permissions on deploy.sh file so as to execute it.
Log into the Ocopea GUI using the link printed out at the end of the deploy.sh script execution. For example,
The login credential is admin/nazgul.