0.2.8 - alpha
0.2.8 - 2024/18/12
- addon paths in configurations can now contains variables: ${workspaceFolder} and ${userHome} are available.
- search for valid addon path in parent folders too.
- New popup windows that will suggest you to disable your actual python language server for your workspace if any is active (only for Python extension).
- Fix hanging if popup window stay opened.
- Fix infinite reload issue
- Improve autocompletion to take base classes and comodels.
- Add inheritance information in hover for models.
- Adapt the architecture to store function arguments.
- Parse and evaluate function calls according to the function signature. Actually limited to domains and args counts.
- New domain validation: validate structure, operators and fields. Composed fields are not validated for now.
- Autocompletion that contains "." or that complete a string with a "." will not duplicate elements anymore.
- Improve function return type syntax in Hover feature.
- Implement super() evaluation.
- Handle @ overload and @ classmethod decorator
Server Fixs
- Autocompletion will not raise an exception if the request is done outside of odoo.
- Gotodefinition will skip evaluation that lead to the same place
- Fix range on GotoDefinition for symbol that has multiple evaluation.
- Prevent parsing docstrings as markdown codeblocks
- Make read thread able to create delayed tasks.
- correctly skip arch step for syntaxically incorrect files.
- Avoid range evaluations on files.
- Allow not imported files to be reloaded
- Remove duplicates in autocompletion results due to diamond inheritance
- Change classes structure to keep inheritance order (HashSet to Vector)
- Incorrect "Base class not found" diagnostic
New diagnostics / odoo helpers
- New signature for "browse" on BaseModel.
- New hook for Odoo registry.
- Add "magic" fields to models (id, create_date, etc...)