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Merge pull request #959 from mandy-chessell/code2024
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mandy-chessell authored Sep 26, 2024
2 parents c51d5dc + c256d6d commit 4e72baf
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Showing 20 changed files with 752 additions and 60 deletions.
63 changes: 55 additions & 8 deletions site/docs/connectors/connector-catalog.drawio
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3720,28 +3755,40 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 -->
<!-- Copyright Contributors to the Egeria project. -->

# PostgreSQL Database Survey Action Service

Surveys a PostgreSQL database, its tables and columns.

Its Jar file includes the PostgreSQL client driver.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions site/docs/connectors/egeria/
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 -->
<!-- Copyright Contributors to the Egeria project. -->

--8<-- "snippets/content-status/"

# OMAG Server Platform Connector

???+ info "Connector summary"
- Connector Category: [Digital Resource Connector](/concepts/digital-resource-connector)
- Source Module: [egeria-system-connectors :material-github:]({ target=gh }
- Jar File Name: `egeria-system-connectors.jar`

Th OMAG Server Platform Connector is a [digital resource connector](/concepts/digital-resource-connector) that provides a Java interface to an [OMAG Server Platform](/concepts/omag-server-platform).

![Figure 1](apache-atlas-rest-connector.svg)
> **Figure 1:** Operation of the OMAG Server Platform Connector

--8<-- "snippets/"

5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion site/docs/connectors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ The connectors that support the exchange and maintenance of metadata help to acc

### Secrets Stores

* The [Environment Variables Secret Store connector](/connectors/secrets/environment-variable-secrets-store-connector) retrieves secret values from environment variables.
[Secrets stores](/concepts/secrets-store-connector) externalize secrets such as passwords, tokens and certificates so they do not need to be stored in either the [configuration document](/concepts/configuration-document) or [open metadata repositories](/concepts/open-metadata-repository).

* The [Environment Variables Secret Store connector](/connectors/secrets/environment-variable-secrets-store-connector) retrieves secret values from environment variables.
* The [YAML File Secret Store connector](/connectors/secrets/yaml-secrets-store-connector) retrieves secret values from environment variables.

### Files

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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions site/docs/connectors/secrets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 -->
<!-- Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project. -->

--8<-- "snippets/content-status/"

# YAML File Secrets Store Connector

!!! info "Connector details"
- Connector Category: [Secret Store Connector](/concepts/secrets-store-connector)
- Source Module: [yaml-secrets-store-connector :material-github:]({ target=gh }
- Jar File Name: `yaml-secrets-store-connector.jar`

## Overview

The *YAML File Secrets Store Connector* retrieves secrets from environment variables. The name of the secret requested is the name of the environment variable it tries to retrieve. It returns null if the environment variable is not defined.

![Figure 1](yaml-file-secrets-store-connector.svg)
> **Figure 1:** Operation of the YAML File Secrets Store Connector

## Configuration

This is its connection definition to embed into a connector's connection object.

!!! example "Connection configuration for the environment variable secrets store connector"
```json linenums="1" hl_lines="14"
"connection" :
"class" : "Connection",
"qualifiedName" : "Egeria:SecretsStoreConnector:YAML File Connection",
"connectorType" :
"class" : "ConnectorType",
"connectorProviderClassName" : "org.odpi.openmetadata.adapters.connectors.secretsstore.yaml.YAMLSecretsStoreProvider"

---8<-- "snippets/"
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions site/docs/content-packs/
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Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,41 @@

# Content Packs

The Egeria content packs provide a means to distribute standard metadata to different organizations. They are formatted as [Open Metadata Archives](/concepts/open-metadata-archive) and can be loaded using at server start up (see [Configuring the Start-up Archives](/guides/admin/servers/by-server-type/configuring-a-metadata-access-store)) or while the server is running (see [Runtime Manager OMVS](/services/omvs/runtime-manager/overview)).

The content packs are as follows:

* [CoreContentPack](/content-packs/core-content-pack/overview) - contains the connector definitions for the open connectors supplied in this distribution along with the valid metadata values for the technologies they support. This content pack is designed to provide a good starting point for a new Egeria deployment. It is loaded automatically in the active-metadata-store sample server.

* [CloudInformationModel](/content-packs/cim-content-pack/overview) - glossary from the Cloud Information Model's JSONLD formatted model. The content covers basic commerce concepts such as Party, Product, Invoice and Shipping. The cloud information project has been archived. However, this is a useful starter set glossary,

* [OpenMetadataTypes](/content-packs/types-content-pack/overview) - Archive of the open metadata types defined by Egeria. This archive contains all the open metadata type definitions provided by Egeria. It is supplied for external utilities since each OMAG server capable of being a cohort member will load these types on start up.

* [CocoComboArchive](/content-packs/coco-content-pack/overview) - supplies metadata to support the Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios. It is a useful content pack to load when experimenting with Egeria's capabilities since it provides examples of many types of open metadata. In addition, this metadata is also available in the following archives that are used in the Open Metadata Labs where different subsets of this metadata are loading into each of the servers.

* CocoBusinessSystemsArchive provides a catalog of the business systems and the lineage between them and the load of their data into the data lake. This archive simulates the type of metadata expected from an ETL tool suite. It is intended for cocoMDS5 in the open metadata labs but can be used in any server.

* CocoOrganizationArchive - provides the profiles, user identifies and team of the featured personas of Coco Pharmaceuticals.

* CocoClinicalTrialsTemplatesArchive - provides the template assets used for onboarding weekly patient measurements during a clinical trial.

* CocoGovernanceProgramArchive - provides the metadata to describe Coco Pharmaceuticals governance program.

* CocoGovernanceEngineDefinitionsArchive - provides the metadata to describe Coco Pharmaceuticals three governance engines: AssetGovernance, AssetDiscovery and AssetQuality.

* CocoSustainabilityArchive - provides the base definitions for Coco Pharmaceutical's sustainability initiative.

* CocoTypesArchive - provides additional types for Coco Pharmaceuticals. These are BiopsyScope Enum, BiopsyReport Entity, BiopsySupportingEvidence Relationship and ReviewedByClinicalTrials Classification.

* [SimpleCatalog](/content-packs/simple-content-pack/overview) - provides an example of a database, an API and an event structure linked to a glossary term. It is loaded automatically in the simple-metadata-store sample server. SimpleCatalog is also supplied as four archives for use in a demo showing 4 metadata access servers connected together in a single cohort. The archives are each loaded into a different server. It is then possible to show how the cohort integrates metadata from different catalogs. These archives are used in the Development labs which are part of the Open Metadata Labs.

* SimpleAPICatalog - API metadata typically found in an API catalog.

* SimpleDataCatalog - Database metadata typically found in an Data catalog.

* SimpleEventCatalog - Event metadata typically found in an API catalog.

* SimpleGovernanceCatalog - A glossary term linked to metadata elements in the API, Event, Data catalogs.

--8<-- "snippets/"
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Platform report for: https://localhost:9443
DevOps OMAS: Manage a DevOps pipeline
Software Developer OMAS: Interact with software development tools
Project Management OMAS: Manage governance related projects
Governance Engine OMAS: Set up an operational governance engine
Governance Server OMAS: Set up an operational governance engine
Data Privacy OMAS: Manage governance of privacy
Security Manager OMAS: Manages exchange of metadata with a security service
Repository Governance OMES: Maintains open metadata archives based on the activity in the connected cohorts.
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