This library exploits C++ loophole to allow different template instantiation each time in C++11
There are no dependencies from now
What does this library allow?
assert(clc::counter() != clc::counter());
Nothing special, right? But... How about the next one?
static_assert(clc::counter() != clc::counter(), "The results are different");
static_assert(clc::counter() == 2, "The result is now 2, and then...");
static_assert(clc::counter() == 3, "3! It's magic");
The code is known to work on the following compilers:
- Clang 3.4.1 (or later)
- GCC 4.7.1 (or later)
- MSVC v19.14 (or later, or maybe earlier)
- ICC 18.0 (or later)
Development Status: This code is not stable or well-tested. No promise is made about support or long-term stability. This code will evolve without regard to backwards compatibility.
git clone
cd clc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/clc ..
cmake --build . --target install