MERN stack project
MERN stack project using ReactJS, Redux, Reactstrap on the front end. NodeJS & ExpressJS on the backend to build a BudgetApp. Login Authentication was implememted with JSON web token and also ReactJS register modal App is currently hosted on heroku
- react - version 16.13.0
- react-redux- version 7.2.0
- react-transition-group - version 4.3.0
- redux - version 4.0.5
- react-scripts - version 3.4.0
- bootstrap" - version 4.4.1
- concurrently - version 5.1.0
- express - version 4.17.1
- mongoos - version 5.9.3
IDE used was Visual Studio Code and project server side was first implemented on the localhost and later the client side. All necessary dependencies were installed, as seen in package.json
Project is:completed
Created by @ogbeche77